08 - hickeys and cat adams

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As it turned out, Spencer and Lilith's calm morning did not last forever

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As it turned out, Spencer and Lilith's calm morning did not last forever. 20 minutes after the call from Jacob the pair had gotten back to their original morning plan, making out on the kitchen counter.

It was only a few minutes into their second make out session of the morning that Spencer's phone rang for work, groans following when he realized they had an actual case and he couldn't just savour the day with Lilith.

He had rushed to get ready before sprinting out the door, kissing Lilith on the cheek and stating she could stay until he was back if she wanted but there was an extra key in the drawer under the knife rack.

After a rushed drive into the officer Spencer was quick to board the elevator and make his way in, apologizing for his lateness as he took as seat at the roundtable.

His usual clean appearance was now slightly disheveled. His hair was tousled, and there was a noticeable hickey on his neck, only partially concealed by his collar.

The team members already at the table exchanged curious glances, their eyebrows raised in unspoken inquiry.

Morgan, never one to miss an opportunity to tease, was the first to speak up. "Spence, what's going on with your hair? Did you have a wild night out?"

Emily smirked, joining in on the playful banter. "And what's that on your neck? Looks like someone had a bit too much fun."

Rossi, ignoring his appearance but still joining in on the teasing added a comment, "You're also a bit late this morning, Reid. Care to explain?"

Spencer's cheeks flushed slightly as he realized the attention he was garnering. He cleared his throat, his mind racing to come up with a plausible explanation that wouldn't reveal too much.

"Uh, well, you know how I can sometimes get caught up in my research... I lost track of time," he stammered, hoping his teammates would buy his excuse.

JJ, ever perceptive, leaned closer, her voice filled with teasing curiosity. "Research, huh? Is that what they call it now?"

Spencer's face turned even redder as he tried to suppress a nervous chuckle. "It was just a late night. Nothing out of the ordinary."

Garcia, unable to contain her curiosity, chimed in with a knowing smile. "Oh, come on, Spence. Don't leave us hanging. Who's the lucky person responsible for that hickey?"

Spencer was relieved when Hotch entered the room, "Leave Reid alone, Garcia can you please start the briefing?".

Garcia pouted playfully but acquiesced, realizing that Hotch's arrival marked the beginning of business. She cleared her throat and began outlining the details of their new case, an update to the dirty dozen case that had plagued them for so long.

Everyone could tell that Garcia was buzzing with excitement to be done with this dirty dozen thing.

As Garcia detailed the case Spencer did his best to focus on the task at hand. However, his mind kept replaying the lingering feeling of their morning together still fresh on his lips.

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