New Girl

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Willow's POV
I'm a few weeks in to the second semester of junior year. It's been interesting to say the least.

One thing you should know about me is I don't like...people. There is only one person in this world that doesn't get on my nerves 24/7 and that is my best friend, Kayla.

To everyone else I'm a stone cold bitch. I don't really mind the reputation. In fact I kind of enjoy everyone being afraid of me. It's one of the few things in life that brings me pleasure. School, however, was definitely not one of those things and neither is having to show around the new student.

I walk into the school and head to my locker putting my things away. I now head to the office instead of my first class.

I walk in to see a girl talking to the school secretary. "Oh, Willow. I'm so glad you could show our new student around. This is Alexa," she says pointing to the new girl.

"It's Lexi," the girl says annoyed. Lexi. Interesting. It suits her though.

I start to walk away towards the exit before turning around and and asking, "What are you waiting for new girl? Do you want a tour or not?"

By the time we exited the office the bell had already rang and the hallway was empty except for a few stragglers. I lead her past a couple of classrooms and then stop once we reach a closed door at the end of the hall.

"So this is your homeroom," I say pointing to the door on the right. "Just go in and say you're new and then the teacher will do the whole introduction bullshit."

I start to walk away but not before saying, "Have a nice first day new girl."

I would feel bad for not really giving her a tour, but I don't really give a shit.


Lexi's POV

I can't believe she just left. She was supposed to show me around, but now I don't know where the fuck I'm going.

At least she has the decency to lead me to my first class. But then what? I guess I'll figure it out later.

I walk in to see a guy talking to a bunch of students. As soon as I enter all eyes are on me.

I approach the teacher and explain who I am. "Hi. I'm Lexi, the new student."

"Oh yes. Welcome Lexi. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"No," I say flatly.

"Ok, then," he says hesitantly. "You can go have a seat next to Kayla over there."

I see a girl wave and assume that's who he is talking about. I walk over and take my seat. She immediately turns to me. "Hi. I'm Kayla."

"I'm Lexi," I respond introducing myself to her.

"Did Willow show you around?" She asks me.

"Willow?" I repeat confused.

"My friend. She gives tours to all the new students."

"Oh. Ummm. No she didn't really show me around. She basically just took me here and said good luck."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize for her. She can be rather..." Kayla says trailing off trying to find to best word.


"Yep. She's not alway the nicest person, but when you get to know her she's really sweet."

"I'm sure you're right," I reply. In all honesty Willow seems far from sweet, but I really don't need to get on someone's bad side on the 1st day of moving her. Well, I might already be on Willow's bad side, but I don't need to be on her bestie's too.

"I can show you around if you'd like," Kayla offers snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I would love that!"


Homeroom is only 20 minutes so soon the bell rung and the students all start to head out of the classroom. I walk out following this Kayla girl. She then turns around to face me. "Give me your schedule."

Class Schedule - Lexi Leighton

I hand it to her and she looks at it

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I hand it to her and she looks at it. "So looks like we have first block, lunch, and 6th block together. I can still show you to the classes we don't have together though."

"Thanks for helping."

"It's the least I can do, considering my best friend ditched you."

"Why are you making up for her mistake?" I question curiously.

"It's kind of our dynamic. She bitchy and I'm friendly. We kind of have a good cop - bad cop thing going."

"Don't you ever get tired of always looking out for her."

"Not really. I mean we've been best friends since the 1st grade. She might come off as a little intense, but like I said on the inside she's just one big cuddly teddy bear. Don't tell her I said that."

"Don't worry. I won't," I promise while laughing a bit to what she said.

"Good. Now here we are," she says while stopping at a classroom. "Let me just warn you before hand. Mr. Doyle has an easy work load, but is like super strict."

We then enter the class and sit down at our seats. Luckily my newly assigned one is right next to hers and maybe I just made my first friend here at Whittington Prep.

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