My brother's new girl

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Willow's POV

The weekend passed pretty quickly. It basically consisted of me staying in my room doing homework and scrolling through social media.

I wake up on Monday morning and hop in the shower. I hurriedly throw on a variation of the school uniform and then apply some makeup. I like to let my hair air dry so I leave it as is.

I take a step back and look at myself in the mirror. I am dressed in a white polo matched with a light purple sweater and a plaid skirt that consists of our school colors, purple and gold.

I focus on my face. If it weren't for the heavy amount of concealer, you would be able to see the bags under my eyes. Luckily the makeup still looks natural despite the amount.

I check the time. 7:51. 'Shit. I'm going to be late,' I think to myself.

I quickly hop in my car and speed off in the direction of the school. By the time I get there school has already started. I run to my class, open the door, and walk in as everyone's eyes follow me.

"Miss Wells, you're late," My teacher states.

"Well, obviously," I respond.

I then precede to walk to my seat in the back as my professor rolls his eyes. He continues on with the lesson clearly annoyed with my late arrival.

The day continues on and everything was smooth sailing until lunch rolls around. Once again I opt to go to the library instead of suffering through a treacherous meal surrounded by the idiots I have to call 'friends'. Note the air quotes.

The only person that I can possibly stand is Kayla. Unfortunately, she's been having the time of her life with her new bestie and has not even taken notice of my absence.

I shove my books in my locker and turn to head towards the library. While on my way someone calls, "Hey, Willow. Wait up!"

Upon hearing this, I immediately recognize the voice as my best friend's.

Kayla jogs up next to me, slowing her pace once she's reaches me. "Hey, why are you going this way. Are you not eating at the cafeteria again?"

"I was just going to the library instead." After hearing this Kayla bursts out into laughter, gaining her a few looks from passing students.

"You...actually...choosing to go to the library...Are you being serious?" She says in between laughs.

"Yes," I state blankly.

"Come on," she starts, draping her arm around my shoulders. "I've missed you. Please don't leave me alone with those people again." She begs.

"You think I want to be around those basic bitches either."

"I know you don't, but please just come sit with me."

"Fine," I cave.

Together we walk to the cafeteria. Once we entered we grab a tray and get our food as usual. Kayla takes longer than me because she insists on waiting in order to get the 'good stuff'.

While Kayla is still in line, I start to walk towards our table and that's when the worst thing happens. I see my brother at my table. He is sitting next to none other than the new girl.

I watch in disbelief as he puts his arm around her. He then leans in and she follows until their lips meet in one horrific kiss.

I can't believe it. My sorry excuse for a brother has now picked his new sex toy. A girl who happens to be in my group since she is Kayla's friend.

He crossed a line, but she ruined any chance of me ever being friends with her. I never really liked the girl, but now I hate her.

I hate her with a burning passion. After all she is my brother's girlfriend.

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