What is happening to me?

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Willow's POV

Today has been rough. I was in English Class barely paying attention to the teacher. Soon enough the bell rings meaning it is time for lunch.

I get up heading to the cafeteria and sit down at my normal table.

It's basically me, Kayla, Logan (my boyfriend), some of his friends I'm not quite sure the names of, and a few other cheerleaders (Brook, Maya, and Ashlyn). Cliche or not I'm actually captain of the cheerleading team. Co-captain technically. Kayla and I do it together.

I look around and see that Kayla isn't here. That's strange considering she always gets here before me. Just now I see her walk into the cafeteria followed by the one and only Lexi. Of course.

They walk my way and sit down across from me. "Hey guys. This is Lexi. She's new," Kayla says introducing the new girl.

Logan takes it upon himself to introduce us. "Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Logan, and this is my girlfriend, Willow."

I hate when he introduces me as his girlfriend. It makes it seem like that's all I am. Like I'm not a completely decent human being by myself.

Everyone else says hi and they all start to have a conversation. I stay quiet. All I can do is stare at the new girl, giving her a death glare.

I listen in to the conversation. "So, where are you from?" Brook asked.

"I moved here from Charlotte, North Carolina," Lexi answers.

"Hey, Willow. Didn't you used to live in Charlotte?" Matt (I think that's his name) asks me.

"I lived in Chicago. You idiot. That's halfway across the country," I snap angrily.

"Willow. What have I said about snapping at people for no reason?" Kayla asks.

"I don't fucking care." I yell drawing some attention to myself.

"Willow!" Kayla shouts in return.

"Just leave me alone!" I get up angrily and storm out of the cafeteria. I can feel many eyes burning into the back of my head. I smile at that, but quickly returned to my previous state of anger.

I'm sick and tired of this. I might as well just leave now since I'm not going to be paying attention in the rest of my classes today.

As I get in my car and start driving my mind starts to drift to Lexi. What is happening to me?

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