The Downside to Being Me

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Willow's POV
Finally it's the weekend. I head out to the parking lot where Kayla is already standing in front of my vintage lilac Porsche. I've been giving her a ride because her car broke down. Well, it broke down after she crashed it for the third time. Let's just say Kayla isn't the best driver.

I pull out of the school parking lot and Kayla turns to me. "I'm having a party tonight since my parents are out of town. You should come."

"I'm fine," I reply monotonously.

"Come on, please. You used to be the queen of the party and now you refuse to go to them. What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing. I just have a big science project to work on." I answer.

"Wait a second. Is Willow Wells actually prioritizing homework over a party?" Kayla jokes.

"Shut up." I respond playfully.

"Ok, but in a seriousness what's going on? I know you're going through something. Just tell me."

"It's complicated."

"I'm all for complicated."

"Well I don't have time to explain since we're here," I say as I pull up at her house.

Kayla takes this as a hint to drop the question. She gets out heading towards her house, but not before saying, "Just remember I'm here if you ever need me. Don't hesitate even if you just need a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant to."

She plants a friendly kiss on my cheek before exiting my car. I watch as she heads up her front walk and then walks inside her house. If only she knew what I was actually going through. Would she even still want to be friends with me? Probably not.

My life isn't as simple and glamorous as it seems. Behind the curtain of perfection my parents like to obtain, there's a really toxic and dysfunctional family. Pretty much everyone hates each other.

My brother and I have a strong sibling rivalry. We fight a lot at home and in public. My parents always joke and say it's just siblings being siblings. However, normal brothers and sisters wouldn't be constantly arguing and trying to ruin each others lives.

My parents have a rocky marriage to say the least. Out of the public's eye they're always fighting. They never agree on anything. To be honest they're pretty shitty parents.

My mom is the one that always goes on work trips. She's barely ever home. Always flying off the Paris or some other cool place across the globe. She's always so invested with what I do. Not in a good way. She is always making sure I am being the perfect child she wishes I was. With my brother, however, she's completely different. She lets him do whatever he wants and doesn't hold him to the same expectations.

My dad has an obvious bias when it comes to me and my brother. He's always congratulating my brother on the smallest achievements like getting a B. I, however, have never gotten anything lower than an A in my life and still I have to 'do better'.

It makes sense though, considering I'm not even his biological daughter. Whatttttt?

Ya. It's pretty crazy. East and I are twins with two different fathers. I guess the fact that my mom cheated is why my parents have such a terrible relationship, but they still haven't gotten a divorce. I don't know why.

It really sucks. The worst part is that my parents hold these high expectations for me and when I fulfill them, like I always do, all I get is 'it's not that big of an accomplishment' and 'you could have done better'.

I finally arrive home. Pulling in the drive way behind my brother's Mercedes-Benz.

I walk inside and head straight to my room. To say I wished I wouldn't see my parents or brother on my way up is an understatement.

I am flat out avoiding them. I mean they're not the only ones I'm avoiding, but that's besides the point.

I don't even get what's going on half the time. My family acts like the kind of family that goes on a magazine cover. Given that we have been further proves my point.

The thing is we're far from perfect and more dysfunctional than most. Everyone hates each other. There hasn't been any love since I was really young. And honestly it has only gone down hill from there.

I was practically raised by our nanny. After we grew out of a having a babysitter I was left to fend for myself.

It's always just been me. I guess that's why I am the way I am. It's basically impossible for me to accept any help from anyone. I also keep all my emotions bottled up and let no one in because that's the ways it's always been.

Everyone else thinks I'm this perfect girl living this luxurious life full of no problems or pain. In truth I'm just trying to survive like everyone else. I guess there is downside to being me.

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