Lab Partners

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Lexi's POV

It's been a week since I started at Whittington Prep. Kayla and I have been getting closer and I've been hanging out with her group.

The only person that doesn't like me is Willow. She seems to be doing everything she can in order to avoid me.

She stopped coming to lunch. She's been ditching the 3 classes we have together or just ignoring me all throughout them.

I've been trying to be nice to her, but nothing I do seems to change the hatred she has for me.

I don't know why she continues to give me the cold shoulder. I mean what did I ever do to her?

I finally learned my way around so I no longer need Kayla to walk me to each of my classes. I start heading to AP Bio, which is right after lunch.

I walk in and sit down next to my lab partner who is some random guy in my grade. Soon the bell rings and everyone grows quiet only to start talking again after they realize the teacher isn't even in the room.

After about 7 minutes the teacher finally arrives. "Sorry I'm late. I was just finalizing the seating chart, because you all are getting new lab partners today," Ms. Arthur explains.

Some groan and some cheer. I am personally happy with this change as I hate my lab partner because he doesn't do any of the work. I will be fine with any one else except Willow. Oh did I forget to mention she's in my class?

I listen as Ms. Arthur lists of the new seating arrangements, "Lily and Justin here. Matt and Cole here. Lexi and Willow here..." I stop listening after I hear my name. Great. Amazing. Splendid. Out of everyone in my class I have to sit next to the one person that hates my guts.

I slide into the table sitting down right next to Willow. She doesn't even turn to look at me opting to continue to angrily stare at our teacher.

"Okay students now that you have gotten your new seating arrangements, I am going to tell you about our new project." The teacher announces.

"As you all know for the past couple months we've been studying smaller microscopic organisms. For our next unit we will be taking a closer look at the organisms, big and small, that are all around us." She continues.

"Your assignment is to pick an animal, plant, insect, or any other living thing around us. You could pick an ant for all I care. However, you will need to study it and do further research about it, so you will be able to do a thorough report and presentation about it."

"Anyway, you must do this for three organisms and you will be working with your lab partner for this. And I don't want any splitting up the work. You must collaborate on every part of the assignment which is mostly designed to be done outside of class." Ms. Arthur finishes.

Great. Now I not only have to sit next to her in class but have to hang out with her outside of school. This is going to be interesting.

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