Counting stars

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No one's POV

Sukuna was fighting against scepter 4. He yelled to them "That all you got" while laughing, then he started running since he had a mission to complete, he whispered "that was fun".

Him and Yukari were walking it was late at night, Yukari brought him to the roof, "why are we here" Sukuna found himself asking feeling board. The response he got was "we're going to stargaze, right here." Sukuna decided why not. He's not going to runaway from simple stargazing. While sighing he said "Why not" he laid down next to Yukari, who went on about how beautiful the stars were.

Sukuna yawned about 20 minutes after sitting down. Yukari then asked "are you tired?" Sukuna then answered without much thought though slightly shivering, "yea" Sukuna didn't realize how tired or cold he was. Yukari did though. He decided that it wasn't the best thing to let him get sick, he took his jacket and put it on Sukuna though Sukuna did protest saying things along the lines of "I'm not cold" and "I'm not wearing this" but eventually he felt to tired to protest. And to his misfortune ended up leaning on Yukari's shoulder, no doubt giving him more to tease him about. Sukuna eventually started to fall asleep while Yukari talked about how beautiful the sky was.

Yukari found him to be quite a peaceful sleeper. He decided to bring Sukuna inside so he can sleep for a

I'm going to update this story more as I come up with ideas for it.

Sukuna gojo one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن