We cant stop (miley cyrus)

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Sukuna was playing games while the rest of Jungle talk about a party Iwafune thought was a good idea to have them actually going out. Sukuna suddenly started paying more attention to whatever was being said when Yukari said "So where are we going to meet?"Nagare then suggested a restaurant that was quickly dismissed after a reminder of what happened last time ( there was a lot of property damage) Iwafune then suggested a park (a/n. Or whatever you want to imagine) they all agreed on it except Sukuna cause he had no intention to join them not wanting to attract the attention of his father.

Nagare then asked " what about you sukuna will that work for you?" Sukuna having wanted to stay out of this conversation was not quite sure what to say to asked " I'm supposed to go too?" Nagare chuckled in response shaking his head lightly then stopping suddenly and saying in a serious tone " I had thought since this is a 'Jungle' party, it would be implied." Sukuna did not particularly like the fact that it was true.

And that's how Sukuna found himself with the rest of jungle in a space in some random park (a/n. Again or what ever you want to imagine they are at) they were all having a good time, until Sukuna's 'father' found them.

"HEY! Sukuna?"the music being paused due to Sukuna's 'father', who was fairly confused but it quickly turned to anger to see 'his son' partying a fact that was quickly made known, " Sukuna stop this nonsense at once we are going back-" he had started sounding very anger as he approached the group.

when suddenly the music was turned back on by non other than Sukuna who turned the music back on stared him in the eyes for a few seconds before Sukuna
Said " you have no right in my life I belong here so I think we will continue to party cause what can you do to stop us?"

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