Party in the usa

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Sukuna was being brought to the hideout of the green clan, of course he felt nervous he didn't have good experience meeting people seeing as his only friend was being payed to be his friend.

He walked in with Yukari who led him there, and they introduced themselves, Nagure as promised told him his dream. Iwafune then approached Sukuna with his hand slightly extended, Sukuna closed his eyes slightly prepared for a gentle pat on his head, he flinched hard as it felt that his head had been smacked, "hey!" He couldn't stop himself from saying that.

Iwafune completely ignoring him asked what kind of food he liked, Sukuna told them he liked fried chicken , During the party Sukuna was surprised when he heard music playing it took a lot of self control not to dance or sing out loud.

Iwafune had an idea, what if everyone sang parts of songs so he put out the option they were all for it except Sukuna didn't like that idea, he was shy when it came to singing. But he agreed anyway.

After Sukuna decided that was enough embarrassing himself so he went back to his hideout listening to his playlist when he got back he thought to himself "maybe this won't be so bad." While singing to the songs playing on his playlist with a smile.

Yukari wanted to keep an eye on sukuna for now deciding he was sweeter then he wanted to let them know. He smiled as he watched sukuna doze of while playing videos games, with music playing.

Sukuna gojo one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now