Treat you better

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Sukuna was walking with the rest of jungle they were thinking about what they were going to eat. Everyone had put in some suggestions except Sukuna, Yukari noticed and decided to do something

"Hey Sukuna you used to eat out around here a bit, right? Any suggestions. Sukuna seemed caught off guard when he was asked but he listed a few options (I don't feel like looking it up so imagine it) they decided on one of the options Sukuna suggested and took the food to go.

"You have good taste, Sukuna" Nagare stated suddenly really Sukuna was a little surprised. They all picked up on his shock so Yukari spoke before anyone else "why do you seem so surprised when asked for your opinion?" Sukuna bluntly answered, that he used to not have a say in where or what he or his (ex) family ate,

Sukuna didn't know it but that changed how the rest of jungle looked at him and made them decide that they took turns choosing we're they ate.

Sukuna gojo one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now