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Scene 1 From Prologue:

I was sipping my coffee after writing my journal when there was a knock on my door. Door opened and you entered with the same gorgeous smile you used to wear, carrying so many shopping bags in your hands, "your favourite pastries" you excitedly said.

"Wow, thank you so much!" I repeat the same enthusiasm.

"See, I've told you she'd love it" and here comes, our favourite. My sister and your girlfriend.

I prayed God to keep you by my side but not as my sister's boyfriend. May be God also make mistakes, just like humans. But his this mistake is killing me everyday. It hurts so much that I can't breathe properly but it's the last day of all this.

Our college has ended a month ago and now I'm going States for my masters. And there I'd be happy not just pretending but a real happy person. There I would not have to see the person I love, with my own sister. I'd start a new life, a life without you in it.

"Your flight is at 7, right?" She said.

I nodded.

"That we will leave at 5, okay? And look these dresses I brought for you.." she started showing me the outfits and important things she brought for me because she knows how careless I am. She's always like this so thoughtful, so caring then how can I hate her?

"I will miss you" she said hugging me tightly on the airport her eyes are moistened.

"Take care and I love you" I smiled at my sister and without glancing at you, I left from there.

As soon I turned my eyes started getting teary I couldn't hold them. Not anymore.

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