02 - Prometo

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My head hurts like hell. I have last minute school shopping to do, which is annoying because my temple is aching a lot and I really just want to stay home and sleep. It is what it is. I get dressed, looking in the mirror as I move to walk out into the living room. Ay bendito... that doesn't look so good... I don't want Xalvador to worry. He'll be on my back about it if he sees... I open my closet, searching for something to hide the bruise. What could I use... yes! It's perfect!

Of course he made breakfast on the day I'm trying to get out of here as fast as possible. It smells good. Usually I do the baking and cooking, so this is special too. And it's just gotta be today, obviously. Couldn't be any other day...

"Buenos días," Xalvador greets, "have you met the new kid who lives downstairs and across the pavilion?"

All of the events of last night flash through my mind once more, something that's been happening since I walked away from the mini-mart.

"Uh.. yeah," I respond nonchalantly, "he seems nice."

"What do you think? Is he the Romeo to your Juliet?" he asks. Ay caramba.

"Por dios, I hope not. That means we both end up dead," I say, taking a sip of apple juice, "I gotta go."

"Eat first, I didn't make all this for myself," Xal says. I feel bad, but I really just want to get out of here before he catches me.

"I'm not that hungry," I say, grabbing a waffle for the road. I actually am, but doesn't need to know that.

"Can't make good school shopping decisions when you're hungry,"

"I can make school shopping decisions just fine," I say, opening the door.

"Xio," he calls after me, "what's with the beanie?"

My face gets hot. The light from outside glares harshly in my eyes, causing pain to shoot through my head, so I use a hand to make a visor of the sorts for my eyes.

"It's... a new look," I respond. Terrible performance on my part. I feel like Poe Dameron being interrogated by Kylo Ren. This is terrifying.

"You never wear beanies, even when it's cold outside. You're gonna mess up your hair," he says back, "and why are you doing that with your hand? Are you high on something?"

"Oh yeah, I'm wasted on apple juice,"

"What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything,"

"Then take off the beanie,"

"¿Por qué? (why)"

"Quítate el gorro (take your hat off)," Xalvador says, using his firm voice. I hate when he does that to me... reluctantly, I take off the beanie, trying to discreetly move my hair in the way of the bruise as I go. It's no use. He definitely saw... his eyes go wide as he rushes over to me.

Romeo and Juliet is a Toxic Love Story [Miguel Diaz x OC]Where stories live. Discover now