23 - What's Done Can't Be Undone

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"Renée!"Mr LaRusso calls into the garage, "do you have a sec?"

I look up from the car I'm currently working on, and to the other mechanics in the room, a little confused. They just shrug their shoulders at me. Well at least it doesn't seem like they'll be mad if I'm gone for a few minutes.

"Uhhh yeah!" I call back, then jog over to where Mr LaRusso stands, "¿qué pasa? I'm not in trouble am I?"

"No, no, I just have a little something for you," he says, "c'mon, this'll only take a minute."

With that, he starts leading me out to his car. I wonder what he could possibly have for me in his car.

"How's your ankle doing?" he asks as we walk. It's been a few weeks since the tournament. It's mostly healed by now. Feels like a lot has happened since the tournament. Sam joined Miyagi-Do. We've been trying to get more students in Miyagi-Do. It hasn't been working very well so far. Xal and I have been working on the custody case. We've made a lot of progress, and we've gathered a lot of evidence from the past five- almost six- years. Robby moved in with the LaRussos. I'm just glad my boyfriend is safe. And I'm definitely not at all bothered by the fact that the people he's staying with includes the girl that was with the last guy I... was close friends with... so far, it seems as if everything is alright. I trust Robby. And I trust him to tell me if anything was going on. Oh yeah, I need to respond to Mr LaRusso's question.

"It's alright. Only really hurts when I twist it funny, but I mean I've been training on it just fine so," I say. Not sure why he's asking now if I've already been training on it.

"Good, good," he says, "because I'm gonna need you for a little demonstration tomorrow at Valley Fest."


"Like an auto demonstration?" I ask, still confused, now both as to what we're doing at his car and what he could possibly need my help to demonstrate at Valley Fest and how the condition of my ankle pertains to it.

"No, no," he chuckles, "a karate demonstration."

Ohh, this must be one of his plans to get more students at Miyagi-Do.


"Robby and Sam will be there too, but- and don't tell them I said this..." he says, taking a moment to sigh, "as much as I hate Cobra Kai and Johnny Lawrence... the things he taught you there set you a little ahead of Sam and Robby. You know kata best, and you're probably most familiar with a staff. I wanted to let you know the plan a little early so you could be prepared. Can I count on you tomorrow?"

My heart pounds. He thinks I'm ahead of Sam and Robby..? I mean, he said 'a little', but still... I can't say it doesn't feel good for my self esteem. With my entire team aside from myself living in the same house now, I can't help but feel... left out. Like I'm the least favorite child all over again... but Mr LaRusso coming to me about Valley Fest first? It's just nice.

"I- - yes! You can count on me, señor, I won't let you down," I say, almost bouncing on the balls of my feet in an effort to hide my excitement. He grins.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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