17 - Yet the Traitor Stands in Worse Case of Woe

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"Renée? What are you doing here?" Mr LaRusso asks. Well at the moment I'm trying really hard to puke on his nice dojo floor. This is not good. This is not good. This is all happening too fast. I knew something like this would happened but I thought- I didn't think it would be this soon. I just needed a little more time... I thought I could delay the inevitable... this night is just proving me wrong about things time and time again... Ay caramba, come on, Santiago, speak.

"I came to ask for help with something but it seems like now is a bad-"

"How do you know her?" Sensei asks, cutting me off as he whips around to face Mr LaRusso. No... no no no...

"How do I know her? Well she's my best mechanic, but more importantly, she's my student,"


"Your student? She's my student,"

Both men turn to face me once more, confusion and something that's either hurt or anger- or both- in their faces. I've seen that look before... it didn't end well then... and I have a sick feeling it won't end well now.

"You're a Cobra Kai?" Mr LaRusso asks, hurt in his voice... and I feel my heart break in two.

"Damn right she is. She's my natural born Cobra," Sensei says.

"So that explains how you were so good right from the start..." Mr LaRusso says, "you told me you had never taken karate before when you started. You were in the back of the dealership learning front kicks from a YouTube tutorial."

"Front kicks, huh?" Sensei follows up, "the only kick you knew how to do when you first came and sparred Miguel."

My eyes focus on nothing but the faces before me. Everything else feels blurred, irrelevant, like even my eyes know that if I focus on anything else, I'll break down before anybody can do anything about it.

"This explains a lot about you," he says, taking the already broken pieces of my heart and just shattering them further, "the defense, the reason you always had to leave right off the bat, why you're so soft-"

"Miyagi-Do karate doesn't make her soft, Cobra Kai karate made her too aggressive. Should've known something was up when you used that leg sweep. And-"

"You shut the hell up," Sensei says to Mr LaRusso before turning back to me, "and you... why didn't you say anything? Didn't think it was a good idea to maybe say something about any of this? I know Miguel doesn't know. And not only the karate, but you work for this son of a bitch too?!"

"Sensei, please, I-"

"Quiet!" he yells, just like at the dojo, but this time it causes me to shrink back in fear, "don't come back to the dojo if you know what's good for you. Seems like you've already had another sensei anyway."

With that and one last betrayed and angry look that I don't think I'll ever forget, Sensei walks out, knocking me in the shoulder as he goes. Just like with my cheek, the physical pain doesn't register. What does register is my heart beating too loud. The lights, though not being bright, overwhelming my eyes as the light is refracted through the tears in my eyes. My whole body shaking like the bad washing machines at my apartment complex. That all registers. But the pain? My brain couldn't care less right now. My breathing has become heavier, and it takes everything in my power to keep my brain from giving up and allowing me to just hyperventilate. Mr LaRusso looks to me once more.

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