21 - He Noticed

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"Renée! What did I say about your door when boys are over!" Xalvador calls. I immediately disconnect my lips from Robby's, sitting up sharply. It's weird hearing him call me that in our own home. Technically, I've never had any boys in my room. When Miguel and I would hang out, it would usually be at his apartment. But that was when we were friends... good riddance to him. I don't want to be friends with an asshole like him.

"I've never had a boy in my room before," I call back. He opens the door moments later, leaning against the doorway. He looks from me, to Robby, then back to me again.

"So this is where we're at now? Making out with the door closed? What's next? I end up an uncle at nineteen?" Xal says. Ay caramba. My face burns, and I stand up quickly. He knows that's not who I am. And he knows I'm smarter than that.

"How did you know we were making out?" Robby asks. Oh he's bold. I didn't know my face could get even warmer. This is not how I wanted Xal to find out about me and Robby being official. Whatever this... officially is. Robby told me he had a thing for me, and I think I have a thing for him too... but our... relationship.. was born out of spite. A way to get back at Miguel...

"You just confirmed it for me,"

"Ames, sabes que no es así (you know it's not like that)," I say, voice tight. Just like it's weird to hear him use my French name at home, it's weird to use use. Xal's face breaks into a grin. A weight lifts off of my shoulders.

"Por supuesto que lo sé. Me gusta meterme contigo ahora que tienes un novio pequeño (of course I know that. I just like messing with you now that you have a little boyfriend)," he says, causing me to roll my eyes, "buenos días, Robby."

"Buenos días.." Robby responds, seeming a little confused, maybe embarrassed too.

"Cabrón," I say to my brother, "voilà ce que vous êtes (that is what you are)."

"Aren't I? And the door stays open. Just pretend you two aren't on top of each other when I walk past, ¿vale?"

"Will do," I say, "and shouldn't you be getting ready for the party later?"

"Already got you in check,"

"Check isn't checkmate," I respond. Xal smiles his bright smile back at me.

"That's my hermanita," he says, "watch out Robby, she's a little viper."

With that, Xalvador walks away, leaving me and Robby alone once more. My heart pangs at the name. Viper... I may not be a Cobra Kai anymore... but por Dios, do I feel like a snake...

Robby turns to me.

"I can't tell if he likes me or not," he asks. I smile, relaxing a little.

"He does. If he's ever harsh on you, it's just because I've never had a boyfriend before and he doesn't know how to deal with it. He's spent his whole life protecting me... he just wants what's best for me," I say. And I trust Xalvador. I've always respected him... but ever since he told me he's gonna fight for custody of me, my respect for him has skyrocketed. It makes sense for him to be my legal guardian. No one else has looked out the way he has. I mean, my mamá did, but she- she gave her life to protect me and my brother. But now she's gone. So it's just me and Xal. And there's no one else I'd rather celebrate today. It must be kinda nice. Today is like the first day he'll have gotten in a while where he doesn't have to worry about being my parental figure. Doesn't have to worry about if we'll eat for the day. Doesn't have to worry about school. Doesn't have to worry about the future. Just.. being a regular teenager, something that has long been denied to him.

Romeo and Juliet is a Toxic Love Story [Miguel Diaz x OC]Where stories live. Discover now