12 - Like Father, Like Son

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My heart pounds. Okay, it's okay, this is the address... I hate knocking on doors for the first time... what if I got the number wrong? What if I'm on the wrong floor? What if Robby went downstairs while I was coming up? No, if that happened, we would've ran into each other, dumbass. But what if he took a different staircase, or the elevator? Ay de mí, cállate, brain, just knock on the door. I suck up my anxieties, grip the container I'm holding tighter, then knock on the door. I hear footsteps on the other side, then Robby appears in the doorway moments later. A grin spreads across his face.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey," I return. His grin widens.

"Come on in, I just have to grab my skateboard and my shoes," he says. I follow him in, taking in my surroundings as I slip my shoes off.

"You don't have to do that."

"Right! Sorry, just a habit," I say, but I don't put them back on. I'm not gonna track whatever's on my shoes into his apartment, that would be rude. He seems to notice that I don't put my shoes back on, as he sort of smiles back at me.

"I know you said your friends always eat your cereal, so I made some croissants-"

"So that's why we never have cereal?" somebody asks. I don't recognize the voice. I tense up, ready to put up a guard, or grab Robby and run, should I need to. The speaker comes into view. A woman, looks older than us, but not that old. Maybe around my mamá's age before- anyway, I'm assuming this is Robby's mom.

"Oh? Who's this?"

My face gets hot, and it doesn't get any better when Robby gets his shoes on and puts a hand on the small of my back.

"Mom, this is Renée," Robby introduces. So I was right. I'm so smart. Not really. She looks intrigued, maybe a little surprised, but doesn't look mad or anything, so that's all that matters.

"Look at you! You're so pretty! What are you doing with Robby? And she bakes too? Where'd you meet someone like this?" she says. Awe... that's sweet of her. I mean, I disagree, but it's still really sweet. My face is very hot right now.

"We ran into each other at a mini mall and uh- now we're coworkers," Robby explains, "and we're going skating today, so we should probably get going."

"Right! I made these for you, the ones on this side are regular, and the ones on this side have chocolate in them," I say, handing him the container.

"You didn't have to do this," he says, though he accepts the croissants with a smile. Mierda, hopefully he likes them. I mean, I ate two this morning- quality control, that's what Xalvador calls it, anyway- but still.

"I wanted to, I love baking. My brother said I was playing into stereotypes by bringing croissants, of all things, but then he tried one and shut his mouth pretty quickly after that," I say. He snickers. Oh gracias a Dios.

"They look awesome, thank you," he says, setting them down on the kitchen counter before grabbing his skateboard from where it leans against a wall.

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