Part 7

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It was finally Saturday. The twins lives are about change. I mean it wouldn't make that big of a difference for them, but they are going to know about something which they had been longing for.

"Where are we going mummy?" Craig asked as I was dressing them up, "you'll see buddy" I said smiling. I dressed Craig in oversized jeans, a white shirt and a denim jacket. I dressed Cara in a long slim gown with a denim jacket as well and for me, I just wore a slim gown with a cropped hoodie over it and my sneakers.

After fixing their hair, I fixed my hair and put it in a low bun then did one last check. We got out of the house and I closed the door and we walked to the car. I placed the twins in their car seats and went to my side before reversing out of the garage and started to the restaurant which we are supposed to meet.

I don't even know how I'm feeling right now, if I'm feeling excited or nervous, am I making the wrong decision?" I questioned myself as I drove. The twins played a little car game we always play together to make the car rides not boring,

"I spy with my little eyes, something blue" I said as it was my turn, "the sky!" Cara screamed, "good job baby" I said smiling and looking through the rear view mirror, suddenly my phone rang,

"I'm here" Sammy said, "we will be there in five minutes" I replied.

We soon arrived at the restaurant. I parked the car and got the twins out of the car and held their hands as we walked to the restaurant.

I tried scanning the place but I couldn't find him, suddenly a waitress walked towards us, are you Miss Wilson" she asked and I nodded, "this way please" she gestured us to a VIP room.

"Hi Mr Salvador" the twins greeted in unison, "hi little ones" he greeted back.

It was a very long table but we decided to sit on one side, Sammy sat at the top, I sat to his right and put the twins to sit opposite me.

After the waiter took our orders, she left and closed the door, "how are you both doing today" he asked them, "very good" Cara answered smiling while swinging her legs,

"How about you buddy?" Sammy asked Craig, he took a deep breath making me chuckle, "I'm really tired Mr Salvador" Craig said like some old person, "can you tell me why?" Asked Sammy,

"I don't know actually" Craig said again making us all laugh. Sammy looked at me and I gave him a dry smile, is he asking if we should talk to them now?.

"Craig, Cara, mummy and Mr Salvador have something to tell you" I said in a shaky voice as I was nervous, "what is it mummy" Cara asked.

I took a deep breath and paused, "your daddy is back. Your real daddy" I said and they opened their eyes in shock, "where is he mummy?" Craig asked aloud.

I turned and looked at Sammy and he had a nervous look on his face, "right here" I said pointing at Samuel.

"Is this a joke?" Cara asked making me chuckle, "no baby, Mr Salvador is you both father. He went on a business trip before you where born and mummy lost contact with him but now he is back and is ready to be your father" I said to them with a weak voice as I felt the urge to cry,

"Will you accept me Cara? Craig? I'm so sorry for been far away but I'm back now" Sammy said. The twins where still in shock and didn't say anything.

They both later got off their sits and hugged Sammy. He carried them and placed them on his thigh, "daddy!" They both said with tears running down their eyes, "my babies, daddy is sorry" Sammy apologized again as tears ran down his jaws.

I looked at the scene in-front of me and started crying as well. There's nothing I want more in this life than seeing my kids happy.

The waitress later walked in with our orders and placed them on the table. The twins walked back to their chairs and sat down as I helped them put food on their plate.

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