Part 10

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I took the twins out of their car seats by myself like before and walked to the gate, she was about to greet them but I quickly put them behind me.

"Hi" she said taking her glasses off , "although I invited you here that doesn't give you the right to try talking to my kids, you are a stranger and I will very much like it if you respect me and my boundaries" I started and she was quiet for a while before smiling,

"Do you always entertain your guests outside in the sun?" She asked daringly and I smiled, "only important personnel's get to come in" I said holding the twins hands and walking into the compound.

I told Samuel to take her to the buckaroo and I took the twins inside. I changed them from their church clothes and gave them their ice cream and brownies as promised. They where seating on their baby couches watching tv and I went back outside.

I didn't take a glass of water or drink or anything for her, "we meet again, at my place" I said smiling. She looked around and back at me, "you haven't changed" she said seriously,

"Do you expect me to? Look woman" I said but she stopped me, "aunty" she corrected and I shook my head, "I won't call you that, you're not my aunty you are nothing to me, you lost my respect more than five years ago" I said sternly.

"Anyways it's nice to meet you again Mrs Salvador. I didn't call you here for problems or anything if you know me you'll know I'm a very calm person but you don't know me, I will just respect you because of the fact that you are Samuels mother and my mother raised me right" I said.

She looked at me and sighed, "you never change" she said again. "first I wanna ask you, why do you hate me so much?" I asked her. She paused. She opened her mouth to talk but closed it again.

"You don't have to answer me right now it's fine, sometimes we get hated even when we don't deserve it. Secondly I wanna ask you to please stay away from my kids. I will value it so much if you respect my boundaries and stay away from them and me. They may be your grandchildren but you will never be seen as a grandma until you tell me the reason why you hate me, apologize to me for the breakdown you caused me and many more" I said firmly trying to control my tears.

"I'm not sure if they are even my grandkids" she said which made me smile, "mother can you stop?" Samuel turned to his mother,

"They aren't your grandchildren, which means you have no right to request to see them as well" I said smiling and her smile dropped, what was she thinking when she agreed to come here?.

"Nina please" Samuel pleaded, "come on if you really want to be a grandma or whatsoever why ask for a DNA test? Oh you still think I want money from your son? After all these years? Didn't he tell you about how much I pushed him away from my kids? We are and we where doing just fine without him Mme Beatrice" I said firmly and called her name without dropping honorifics, she's older after all.

"If they really are  Samuels kids you won't be refusing to give the DNA test" she said shortly, it pained me, it aches my heart, "no problem" I said smiling and Samuel turned to me,

"Wait why? You don't have to come on I don't need a DNA test, mum they are my kids not yours, if you want to be a grandma so bad why don't you go visit Michelle and your grandkids? Right I forgot she detached herself away from you because of this behavior of yours. Ma I begged you and warned and you still didn't listen this is ridiculous" Samuel finally bursted out.

This was the first time I ever saw him scream at his mother like this. Other times when his mother was mean to me he mostly spoke to her in private but it's like he couldn't keep it in anymore,

"I'll give you the test on one condition, you will stay away from my babies, the only connection you have with them is because your son is their dad, I won't say grandma you don't deserve to be a grandma to my kids" I said sighing.

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