Alcon's Journal #29 - Wandering

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Mars ceased its relentless acceleration, leaving 3137 adrift in the boundless abyss of darkness...

I am at a loss as to where to go. It feels as though there is no place for me within the entire solar system. First, my father departed, followed by my mother, and now Ami. My loved ones are gradually slipping away, leaving me behind. I am even overcome by an intense urge to point 3137 towards the outermost reaches of the solar system, to escape from this world and my predetermined destiny...

Yet, where would my escape lead me? Beyond lies the formidable Oort Cloud, spanning nearly 2 light-years in thickness. If I were to traverse it, could I reach another world? Is that where Ami has ventured? If so, I could embark on my journey now, even if it takes tens of thousands of years to traverse the expanse of the Oort Cloud...

Or perhaps, as I have always believed, we are alone in this vast universe. When Ami departed, she vanished from this realm. It seems I am trapped in this existence, exerting my every ounce of strength to approach the very edge of the universe within my grasp, until death arrives and I can finally transcend...

Following an arduous and somber voyage, Mars and I have at last arrived within the vicinity of Neptune's orbit. Everything here appears tranquil, and the colossal gas giant drifts silently amidst the darkness. Gazing upon the azure behemoth, I realize that this is where Ami finds her eternal repose. She has become one with this cerulean titan of the cosmos. As 4177 disintegrated, ablaze in the skies of Neptune, it carried my angelic Ami away. What thoughts occupied her mind in those final moments? Did she experience loneliness? Could she sense the warmth of my embrace?

During that period, I shunned anything associated with "joy." I found solace in melancholic melodies, unable to liberate myself from their grasp. Music became my sole refuge, providing a temporary respite. Yet, the moment thoughts of Ami's solitary descent through Neptune's skies surfaced, anguish enveloped me, leaving me breathless and consumed by pain...

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