Chronicle of Ami & Alcon's Journey

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[The following is the calculation of relative time, with the year on Earth as the unit of measurement.]

000 - Alcon's birth

004 - Alcon is 4 years old, war breaks out, Alcon's father enlists

006 - Alcon is 6 years old, war is coming to an end

006 - 016 - Alcon ages 6-16, era of peace

016 - Alcon is 16 years old, beginning to reflect on anti-war culture

018 - Alcon is 18 years old, Alcon's father passes away

020 - Alcon is 20 years old, NSF captures G-7717

021 - Alcon is 21 years old, Alcon joins NSF

023 - Alcon is 23 years old, Alcon's mother passes away

027 - Alcon is 27 years old, Ami is 21 years old, they meet

030 - Alcon is 30 years old, Ami is 24 years old, the last sunset

031 - Alcon is 31 years old, Ami is 25 years old, the angel falls

034 - Alcon is 34 years old, Alcon lands on the asteroid B-19997

034 - 345, solitary journey

040 - Kurt's spacecraft encounters B-19997 and interprets the story

345 - B-19997 is captured by Neptune and begins to fall into the planet

345 - B-19997 is captured by Neptune and begins to fall into the planet

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