8-"Is he always such a douche"

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Here's chapter 8
Question:have you ever faked sick to get out of school.
My Ans: yep and the excuse was trash.😂

Chapter8:"Is he always such a douche"
As we walked out of the exit of the restaurant,the chilled breeze outside brushed my cheeks and I fixed a huge smile on my face. I could feel Ryan's eyes in me but I didn't dare look back at him. I checked my phone and it was 8:03.it wasn't that late I thought to myself and besides I wasn't doing anything productive in the dorm.

We walked to where Ryan had parked his bike and we were ready to go.
He hopped on his bike and I did the same,giving me a helmet,he wore his and we were now moving.

The ride was long because the location from the restaurant to the school was also far. The quietness was making me sleepy and bored so that drove me to wrapping my arms around Ryan and laying on his back.

I didn't know when we reached the schools entrance but I could feel that we had stop. Ryan began calling my name but I was sleepy to answer.
"Amaya!,Amaya!,Amaya!It seems she's really tired". I heard Ryan say.
"I think I just have to do this"Ryan says and I wanted to chuckle,seeing how frustrated he was.
I forgot that Kyle and I weren't on good terms and it was because of that Carrie girl. My brain suddenly froze when I remembered that Kyle was at the dorm and our last encounter was so not good. As I was lost in my own thoughts,Ryan knocked on the dorm door and I jerked up from my lazy sleep.

"Oh you awake now"Ryan says with a gorgeous smile
"Arh yeah I am"I say while I was wishing for Kyle not to open the door at that moment because I was still in Ryan arms.
"Can I come down"i say to Ryan and I felt that was weird.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry"he says as he puts me down and I heard the door open.
"Shit"i muttered.
"Wowwww"Kyle says as he fixes his gaze at i and Ryan who was looking at Kyle in confusion.
"That's it Ryan Good night and thanks for lunch today"I say as I tried my best for the guys not to talk to them selves.

"Why so soon"Kyle says
"Why so soon what"I replied
"Tell your boyfriend to come in,I can give you space to do IT in the room and not at the door step"Kyle says
"Not now Kyle"I say as I turned to Ryan and gestured for him to leave.

"Your deal?what's your deal man?"I heard Ryan say and I knew that they already hated themselves.
"I've got no deal just tryna give you guys a comfy place to rock you know"Kyle replied.
And then Ryan turned to me and said the words that I've been longing to say for the past few weeks.
"IS HE ALWAYS SUCH A DOUCHE "Ryan says and I looked at him and replied "you could imagine"

"Woah woah woah I'm right here why bad mouthing?"Kyle asks while he had the ^whats your problem look^.
"We know and we don't care,Goodnight Amaya and see ya later"Ryan says as he looks down at me and smiles,while he left kyle and i at the doorstep.

I was now alone again with kyle and I didn't know what to do and was just staring at my shoes because I could feel his voluptuous eyes on me as if they were trying to look into my heart.
The silence was killing and I decided to break it.
"Can you get out of my way?"I say to Kyle as I shifted his strong body away from the door.
I got into the room and Kyle followed behind,the first thing I did as I got inside the room was to go take a marvelous shower which I enjoyed because memories of Ryan and i in the restaurant were flashing and I couldn't wait to tell Vivian about him.
The shower was hot and calming but all my calmness suddenly disappeared when I came out of the bathroom and saw Kyle pacing around the room.
"Okay this is weird"I say to myself as I kept my towel down and was now brushing my hair,getting ready to go to sleep because I was tired and I couldn't wait for Vivian and Blake to arrive by tomorrow.

"Why were you out so late and why did you bring a boy to the room"i heard a voice and was suddenly distracted from what I was doing. I ignored the stupid questions because how dare him ask me why I am out so late is he like my dad or my elder brother like who is he to ask me such a question And the fact that he is asking me why  I brought a boy to the dorm  is laughable because I didn't bring a boy to the room instead he brought me to the room and he had no right to ask me that because he has literally brought a sl*T home and they even made out on my bed. Ugh the thought is killing.
"Answer me!!"kyle say and this time it was in a more serious and aggressive tone.

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