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Soooooo—here's chapter 12
Question: if you were to write a novel about yourself what would be the title.

~Ryan's POV~
The fucking alarm woke me up without me having an iota of sleep.
"Shut up"i murmured to myself but was interrupted by Jacob who looked dressed and up for school.
"Dude get up you'll be late for first period and you know it's Mr Smith,you'd get the attention of everyone when he calls you out and asks you why you came in late"

I groaned and sluggishly got up from the bed dragging my feet to the bathroom I couldn't help but notice that Asher was not around.
"Jake where's Asher"?I ask stepping into the shower.
"Ah him,he got picked up by his newest girl"

"He's got a girl"?I ask opening the shower and feeling the water, thank Goodness it was warm I hate showering with hot water.

"Man crazy things happen,the girl asked him out during the trip"jake says chuckling at
His own words.

"Oh shit that's bad,Asher's not gonna take her serious"

" too bad he never takes anyone serious even if it's a lifetime crush.
And yeah before I forgot I was gonna ask you what's up with you lately you've been stressed and moody, is it about Carrie?"

Getting out from the shower room I decided to tell jake that I and Carrie are no more a thing.

"We broke up"i said plainly
"Wait you what?"jake replied

"You heard right we broke up"i repeated walking out from the shower.
"What happened,dude I wanna know it all".
"Jake it's fine,Carrie's not worth discussing"i replied

"Wow all that happened and you kept it from us,not cool man not cool"Jacob says shaking his head and grabbing his bag.
" bro get out you'd be late"i say trying to change the topic because it was getting cringe.

"Fine fine, I thought I would have waited for you but you don't need to walk to school with me, I think I need to find a girl"Jake says walking out of the room and I chuckled.
For real though This dude really need a girl he's been single All through out high school and he survives that way.

"How I wished I followed his steps"i say out loud.
It wasn't long after Jake left the dorm that I lo left and was heading to the school block.
On my way I thought about how this first period will be because I have history with Amaya and as long as I remembered I don't think she still forgave me.

I walked pass a crowd of running juniors who were rushing for their Gym Class because it's literally the best period students at wolf frost high could ask for.

I knew I was late for class after I had passed them so I didn't bother rushing to class. When I got in the class Mr smith was already there as always and I looked around to see Amaya focused on her text book not even looking at me or even anyone in class.

Walking in the class I was suddenly interrupted by Mr smith who does his usual by humiliating late coming students right after school.

"Yes Mr Leigh why are you coming to class late and it's the first day of school after the trip". Mr smith says causing everyone in class to look my direction.

I looked at Jake who held his head and mouthed the words —i told you you'd be late—I moved my eyes passed him and decided to just take my seat. Not even answering Mr smith because I was not in the mood for school today.

"I need an answer Mr Leigh"mr smith says in an annoyed tone. He really gets annoyed fast just like every other teacher in this school.

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