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Takemichi Hanagaki watched with wide eyes as his friend wrote on the chalkboard. His mind thought back to the picture he saw before, more specifically the two he didn't recognize. He was pretty confident on the fact the girl one was Angel.

In the picture that he found it was Baji, Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Pah-chin, possibly Angel, and one unknown. The unknown was a boy who stood next to Baji, his arm swung over the boy. Both wearing bright smiles. The one who was possibly Angel was in between Mitsuya and Baji. Her hands tucked into her pockets and her head was tilted towards the side , letting her hair fall to the side as she smiled at the camera.

Though the similarity between the boy and the girl was undeniable. Similar facial features and both had dark hair. The only difference was the eyes and hair length. Her hair was cut right below the shoulders, and her eyes a bright blue. While the boy's hair was cut and his eyes were yellow.

A former friend. Takemichi was almost 100% sure this was the 'former friend' and the girl was Angel.

Though he still needed to lesson on Toman from Yamagishi, who for some reason knew stuff 'Not too many people know about' as Mikey would say.

Takuya, Akkun, Makoto, and Takemichi all sat in a huddle as they watched Yamagishi become an official unofficial gang professor. Explaining the hierarchy of Toman, and the mystery girl of Manjiro Sano.

He blinked watched as Yamagishi wrote on the board. "So Toman has six divisions?" His face scrunched up in confusion. He was only aware of the five. Quickly his friend shook his head.

"Only five," Yamagishi explained, underlining the five he wrote, "Angel left the gang a few months after it's creation. Though, she's still counted because Mikey still qualifies sixth division as a division. Like it's.. dormant. Waiting for her to come back and claim it."

Takemichi nodded, intent on learning this important lesson. Inside he wished he'd known about sixth division before. If I'd known that, I would've gone for sixth instead of third, Takemichi thought, internally facepalming.

Yamagishi sighed, drawing a line to our sixth division before first division, "If anything, it's not even sixth, it's division zero, in Toman's hierarchy, Angel is right under Draken."

"Why?" Akkun suddenly piped up.

The 'teacher' turned around, a wise look on his face as a drew a heart inbetween division zero and head commander. "Love, and it's very mysterious ways," He said, his voice wistful almost, "From what I heard, Angel is Mikey's ex-girlfriend, who he never stopped liking."

A few of the guys were in shock, matching Takemichi's faces when he first found out, not expecting the very intimidating Mikey to even have a girlfriend. Though it did seem like a given, there were an unusual amount of girls that were into gang bosses.

It even took Takemichi a second and he'd known about it. Love? It was weird to imagine invincible Mikey being in love, he barely ever seemed vulnerable and love was the most vulnerable thing there is.

Takemichi blinked, that had answered a bunch of questions. That girl in the photo had to be Angel, there were no other founders who were girls besides division zero's captain. But it did arise one new question.

"How do you know that?" Takemichi questioned.

Form what he'd gathered Angel's existence wasn't exactly commonly known, not even in the gang. The only people really knowing being founders.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐕𝐒. 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃... s. manjiro ¹Where stories live. Discover now