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Her hands interlocking with his and a frown on her face as she laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

She felt his head lay on hers as he breathed out a sigh, "Two years. Where have you been? When you left I asked your mom but she wouldn't say."

" My mom lost custody, I went back with my dad," She whispered it like a secret, as if they weren't in a basically empty park.

"That month I was with you, I was basically a runaway," Nara said, "My mother eventually convinced him at some point to let me stay till my birthday. But my mother didn't really want me to staying with her at all so after Hanemiya's court, she talked to Gramps and decided to let me stay with you guys till then."

He knew about her father. One time he even kicked him by accident. But he never really understood he relationship with her mother.

It was an unspoken thing back then that all the gang knew, out of the twins, their mother would choose Hanemiya without a doubt. Nara was only home when she wasn't, and when her mother was there, then she'd be at Mikey's. If not Mikey's, then somewhere, anywhere, but her house.

She hadn't even told Mikey whatever went in between her and her mother.

He didn't even know if he should know.

"Was he the same as before?" Mikey'd asked her, about her father.

"Hanemiya had just got arrested and I was a runaway so.." Angel sighed, "He was bad, just yelling though."

"I'll kill him."

Angel just smiled at the familiar words, she was sure that Mikey wasn't lying. But that wasn't why she smiled, it was because she found herself staring into his eyes once again. It was like no time had passed.

"I ran away a few times, one time I'd almost went to Tokyo but I didn't have money for the train fare," She sighed, "I was fine though."

The boy just held her closer, "Have you told Kazutora?"

"Yeah, I tried, he's just," Angel sighed shaking her head slightly, "Lost."

Suddenly Mikey stood up, looking back at her as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Let's go for a ride."

She smiled at him but her eyes still looked sad, " You know we can't."

"Emma missed you, at least come over," He asked her.

Angel stood for a few seconds, contemplating the pros and cons. The anxiety that's been in her stomach had finally left as she stared at him.

"I'll come over, but straight there, no stops."

She watched as a smile grew on his face and the two proceeded to run to his bike. The sense of deja vu feeling present.



A young Sano Manjiro said in the most serious way to his girlfriend, Nara Kazutora. Her eyes widened and she shook her head quickly. Their little date to get ice cream had took a more tragic turn when they'd finished the ice creams and started talking.

" Sometimes I wished for that," She'd murmured, under her breath. They eyes connected for a moment and she blinked, diverting her gaze, "But," She began again.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐕𝐒. 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃... s. manjiro ¹Where stories live. Discover now