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His mouth agape as he looked at her shocked. Not expecting the words she'd said.

A delinquent with no morals was a killer. Someone who had hatred in their heart. Hatred for the world, the people in it, everything. Someone who hurt people simply to cause pain. Why? Maybe because of their pain, or because they were just messed up in the head, there were various reasons why but it didn't matter.

Since at the end of the day, a killer is a killer.

His mind thought back to Kiyomasa. The torture Takemichi, his friends, and many other middle schoolers were put through. Kiyomasa was a delinquent with no morals. Making the weak fight each other for pure entertainment? It was a messed up thing that only someone with some sort of hatred in his heart could condone.

Her theory was proven when Takemichi remembered the first timeline. Draken's death and stabbing. He was a killer, he'd killed Draken. Or at least.. he would've if Takemichi hadn't intervened.

But even still he attempted to. He wanted to kill someone.

There were various delinquents that could be used in example to prove Angel's theory of what makes a delinquent with morals. But, the most important is ones were her brother and Mikey.

"Death changes everything Takemichi," She murmured, frowning as she crossed her arms, "For the victim, their family and friends, but also the killer. All of their minds gets skewed. The lines of right and wrong being blurred when all they could think about was the grief. For the killer, they'll change. Their mind will become like puzzle only in the box it's filled with pieces from tons of different ones."

"For most, you can't comprehend that you ended a life. It's like a missing puzzle piece, your so desperate to be the person you were before you killed, for everything to be normal. Have that same innocence where killing seemed wrong. For Kazutora, he missed way more than a few pieces," She sighed with a small smile, not being able to laugh at the joke.

"He was desperate though. He just kept using pieces from other puzzles to fill in the gaps. Became a new person, new thoughts, new ideals, new mindsets. But he hadn't thought about all the puzzles he'd stole from now missing a piece."

Takemichi couldn't help but stare. He understood what she was trying to say. Maybe if he was middle school him he wouldn't of fully understood it, but being from the future. He understood.

With the death of Shinchiro, Kazutora had changed. He'd lost himself so he used others and their ideals to create a new version of himself. Along with blaming Mikey, something he'd done to cope with the fact. He also had bounded his sister by him.

Angel was stuck being a piece-less puzzle for her brother. Every piece she'd had, was given to him. All her strength, her attention, her love, her hope. She gave it all to him hoping for it to one day be repaid.
She couldn't leave. She loved him, he was her brother.

Takemichi also saw the other ways her statement could've been taken.

In the timeline Draken died, Mikey's mind couldn't comprehend that fact this, missing piece. Kisaki came around offering Mikey his pieces. Only the boys pieces were dark and it had plagued Mikey. Turning Mikey dark and Toman as well.

She'd been through stuff. Takemichi could tell.

The way she spoke, the way she acted.

She was aware of what she was doing, and being decisive with her words. She hadn't said a lot of things outright but reading in between the lines Takemichi understood.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐕𝐒. 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃... s. manjiro ¹Where stories live. Discover now