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a kiss



A boy joked across from Mikey, standing in front of the blonde's seat. Well, not really his seat, a conjoined set of desks made during lunch by the wannabe delinquents of their middle school.

The delinquents being..

Manjiro Sano. Mikey. The kinda lazy, not so caring of this ragtag gang. He was a natural blonde and had these pointed eyes that unintentionally intimidated every other kid. But what really stood out was this insane strength of the seemingly wimpy kid.

Ken Ryuguji. Draken. Second in command. Rumors that he lives in a brothel, and he has a real tattoo. He didn't need to prove himself any further.

Takashi Mitsuya. This one seemed kinda okay. But rumors that he has a tattoo as well!

Haruki Hayadashi. Pah-chin. Another seemingly okay one. No serious rumors but still pretty scary.

Hanemiya Kazutora. A pretty strong kid. Pretty intimidating. Oh! And he also has a tattoo!

Baji Keisuke. Also strong, Mikey's childhood friend. Extremely intimidating. No tattoo though.

And together they were... Actually that was still to be determined. All six seemingly shared a brain cell and they all happened to be in the same class because of that shared brain cell.

But either way, they weren't really messed with. So when the boy stood across from all of them, Mikey just stared at him.

"He's not joking," A girl beside him stated, "I was told by someone who wouldn't joke about this stuff!"

Suddenly Mikey turns to look at the boy beside him, "Kazutora, Im not into that stuff."

Hanemiya blinked, staring at his friends, and then the two gossipers in front. "Hell no!" He exclaimed, he jumped from his seat, "What are you..."

He got quiet as the boys beside him, besides Mikey, broke into laughter. Baji literally doubling over as he clutched his stomach. Hanemiya took a second, registering the 'chan'. He raised his head, looking at the two, "My sister?"

"Mhm. Kazutora-chan. The new girl!" One of the snitches stated.

The groups laughs got even louder, slapping both Kazutora and Mikey on the shoulder Baji said, "Brother in laws!"

Kazutora began ranting on how Mikey couldn't date his sister. "It would be so we-" He was cut off.

"You have a sister?"

The boy blinked. Causing everyone to go silent.

After a second the group just started laughing even louder, even Hanemiya joined in. "Should I tell her n-" The girl gossiper began to start.

"No!" Hanemiya exclaimed ,"She'll be upset and I can't deal with an upset Nara right now. She'll be all sulking and-"

"Wait. Who?" Mikey repeated again.

Manjiro Sano didn't know much about girls. Or at least that's what Emma and Shinchiro told him. To be fair, they were right.

He had no idea what to do with girls.

They were weird and confusing, and moody, and rude, but also nice, and rational, and cool. It was a lot, at once. He shivered, thinking about his sister's random sudden mood shifts. She'd go from making breakfast to threatening him with a frying pan.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐕𝐒. 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃... s. manjiro ¹Where stories live. Discover now