Chapter 8

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"Good morning." Taehyung greeted when Iseul walked into his kitchen rubbing her eyes. "Morning." She greeted back hugging him as he kissed her forehead.

"Are you hungry?" He asked her. She shook her head before pulling away and sitting at one of the barstools. "Okay, we'll eat on the way to the airport." He decided.

"Don't you think it would better if I arrived at the airport before you guys cause you know paparazzi and stuff." Iseul asked. Taehyung looked at her as he contemplated.

"It would be better yeah but at least arrive with security. You know fans like waiting at airports for some reason." He proposed sitting on the stool next to Iseul.

"I feel like that's better." She agreed. "I have to go to my apartment and fetch my luggage and laptop." Iseul sighed stretching her arms.

"I'll tell the driver to stop there first." Taehyung said. Iseul nodded before standing up. "I'm going to go shower." She declared before leaving for the bathroom.


Iseul stepped out of the van and immediately spotted paparazzi waiting at the entrance of the airport. She took out her bag while one of the guards took out her luggage.

"Thank you." She bowed to the man. He simply smiled at her before closing the door. She fixed the mask sitting on the face before walking into the airport trying not to raise any eyebrows.

She made her way to check in with her documents in her hand. She greeted the lady with a small bow before handing her the ticket and passport.

As the woman went through her documents she seemed to realise who was in front of her judging by how her eyes widened when she read Iseul's name.

"Doesn't she look like Taehyungs girlfriend?" One of the army's waiting asked in realisation. "I mean look at her, she has the same hair." They added.

"That's a very common hairstyle." Another one countered. "I get that but isn't it suspicious how she arrived a few minutes before bangtan is supposed to arrive."

The photographers seemed to pick up on their conversation and slowly picked up their cameras. "Should I shout her name out and see how she reacts?" An army asked.

The army's around her agreed and focused on Iseul. "ISEUL!" The army yelled. Iseul's head whipped towards the noise as the photographers started taking photos. "You look so pretty!" Another girl shouted.

Her eyes lit up as she put her hand on her chest and bowed. Everyone awed at her reaction and laughed. Her phone rang causing her to answer it. It was Taehyung calling.

"Hello? Mmh I'm almost done at check- in. Alright, I'll see you later." Was what the woman behind the counter heard.

After checking in Iseul walked to security gates but not before waving at the army's. They waved back and yelled "bye".


"The army's recognised me." Iseul said as she walked with Hobi to a vending machine. "And I had this elaborate  plan of acting nonchalant." She sighed.

"They weren't harassing you yeah?" He asked. She shook her head. "They were really, really nice, I guess I'm just bummed out that my plan didn't work."

"You guys are really cute. I've never seen such positive feedback from fans about a dating scandal." Hobi smiled putting air quotations around scandal.

"I'm really grateful for that you know. When I agreed to dating Taehyung I wasn't thinking about the backlash and I'm still not cause thinking about the negative would be our downfall." She explained.

"Some of my other friends that are idol usually complain a lot about how their relationships end because of their fear of the backlash. So your mindset is really the best one to have if you want your relationship to actually amount to something." Hobi spoke before they arrived at the vending machine.

User1| @ User

^User1| @ UserOkay so other army's and I we're waiting for the tannies to arrive and a woman walks in the airport nothing out of the ordinary right

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User1| @ User
Okay so other army's and I we're waiting for the tannies to arrive and a woman walks in the airport nothing out of the ordinary right. Except she has a guard following behind her. But we excused it until one of the armies recognised her by her hair.
User1| @ User
So they called her name and she looked back. She seemed to be shocked but quickly smiled when we started telling her she's pretty (which she looks amazing irl)
User1| @ User
She left a few minutes after and bangtan arrived immediately after. I really hope we get to see them interact.
User2| @ User

"How are you feeling?" Iseul asked when Taehyung entered their room. He sighed as unbuttoned his shirt and taking it off.

"Ehh." He answered throwing it on the couch near the bed. Iseul stood up from the bed and walked to taehyung before kissing him gently.

His hands moved to her waist as he leaned into the kiss. His movements seemed to be on edge and his face in a frown. Losing the Grammy really ruined his mood.

He directed her to the bed and laid her down on her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands roamed her body.

His tongue invaded her mouth as they moved in sync.

"Can I?" He muttered tugging at her pyjama pants. She hummed in agreement slightly lifting up her hips. His veiny hands slid of her pants in one swift motion.


"You're so beautiful." Taehyung whispered as he wiped Iseul with towel. She smiled with her eyes closed as he cleaned her off.

He put the towel in the bathroom and got in the covers with Iseul. He brushed back the hair that stuck to her face and pecked her lips. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too." She whispered before drifting off.

Liked by thv and 183 526 othersHwang_Iseul01 I watched the gr***ys 😀 I'm so proud of the boys for making it this far💜•••thv 💜thank you

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Liked by thv and 183 526 others
Hwang_Iseul01 I watched the gr***ys 😀 I'm so proud of the boys for making it this far💜

thv 💜thank you

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