Chapter 11

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"I'm going somewhere in two days." Iseul informed Taehyung as they both got ready for bed in the bathroom. "And where is that." He asked putting away his toothbrush.

"Before I tell you, it needs a backstory so you can understand." She said clipping hers and Taehyung's hair back.

He took out their skincare out of the bathroom cabinet humming to tell her to carry on. "Okay so earlier like when the concert was about to begin a little girl asked me how I dealt with the anxiety before a show." Iseul started.

"She told me about how her parents never come to her shows and stuff. I knew how that felt, it is extremely disheartening. Plus it's sorta like a talent show so other learner's families will be there." She droned on as Taehyung listened while applying moisturiser to his face.

"And my smart brain thought why not go so now I'm going." She concluded. "Wow, you're really a good person and it's great to see that army's find comfort in you." Taehyung smiled.

"What's her name?" He asked. "Her name is Claire but I think she's Korean cause when we spoke, she was speaking fluently." She answered.

"It's a good thing you're going, I can't imagine how it feels seeing other students with their families and yours can't bother to show up." He remarked looking at her through the mirror.

"Mmh, I wanted to at least do that for her before I left but I intend to keep in contact with her." She said.


Iseul stepped out of the black car outside Claire's school before thanking the driver. She took notice of the kids talking with their families as some went inside the school and some waiting outside.

Other kids were standing with who seemed to be their friends.

She took out her phone as she walked closer to the entrance and texted Claire. Before a minute even passed she saw Claire running up to her with her violin case hung over her shoulder.

A huge grin plastered onto her face as she opened up her arms for Claire who soon came crashing into her.

"Unnie, you really came." She whispered. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Iseul said hugging her tightly. "What song are you playing?" She asked as they pulled away. "It's a surprise." Claire said with suspense.

"Who's that with Claire? I thought she didn't have parents."

"Have you guys thought that maybe, just maybe she has parents?"

"That can't be her mom, she looks too young."

"She looks kinda familiar. Why do I feel like I've seen her before?"

"Claire, why is everyone looking at us like that?" Iseul whispered. "I'm sorta, kinda known as the girl that lied about having parents. You know cause they never show up." Claire answered looking down at her hands.

Iseul's face contorted to one of anger and disgust. "What the fuck, that's messed up. Did you report them to the teachers?" She asked angrily.

"I did and they told me there's nothing they can do." Claire shrugged. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Claire shook her head hearing this. "You being here is enough for me." She smiled up at her.


"Good luck okay, I'll be in the crowd watching." Iseul said hugging Claire. She nodded and pulled apart before walking to the door leading to backstage.

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