Chapter 20

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"Taehyung! Oh my god, guess what!" Iseul exclaimed running outside into the backyard where Taehyung was busy playing with Yeontan.

"What?" Taehyung asked smiling at the visible excitement on her face. "I just got an email from the Las Vegas Philharmonia asking me to perform with them!" Iseul screamed jumping up and down.

Taehyung let out a laugh before hugging Iseul close to him. "Congratulations baby, you deserve it." He muttered into her hair.

It was now January, a month after Hanuel was born and a few weeks after Claire had to go back to Las Vegas for school. "Thank you." Iseul beamed.

"When is it?" Taehyung asked as they walked into the house with Yeontan following closely behind. "We haven't discussed the details yet but we have a meeting tomorrow morning." She answered running her fingers through her hair.

This was the most exciting thing that has happened for Iseul ever since Hanuel. Being able to perform with an orchestra was her life long dream and it happening had her over the moon.

The Las Vegas Philharmonia Orchestra heard about Iseul's talents from an employee that was attending the family day event at Claire's school. After researching her and founding out about her following and fame they decided to reach out.

"Your dream is finally coming true!" Taehyung beamed wrapping an arm around Iseul's shoulders. "I'm so excited, I actually can't wait." Iseul breathed out.

"Wait till Bangtan hears about this." Taehyung joked. "Oh my gosh, they're all gonna come running here and jump on me." Iseul giggled. "Oh yeah, I don't know what they were thinking running up to you like that literally after you gave birth three days before." He said thinking back to the day Bangtan came to see Iseul at their home.

"You guys are adult babies which doesn't help since I already have one!" Iseul teased nudging Taehyung with her hips while they walked to Haneul's room.

They walked in to see Hanuel fussing around in her crib while sucking on her hand. "Hi baby! You're awake?" Iseul cooed reaching for Hanuel.

Hanuel starting kicking her feet at the sight of Iseul and Taehyung looming over her crib. Iseul picked her up bringing her body to her nose. "Ugh, she pooped." Her face contorted to one of disgust.

"Oh." Taehyung laughed taking Hanuel from Iseul's hold. "I'll change her." He said taking her to the changing table.

Iseul thanked him before tidying the nursery while Taehyung changed Hanuel's diaper. "I can't wait to tell everyone. Claire, Halmoni, your parents, Bangtan and army." She smiled at the thought of performing in front of a huge crowd.


"Now that everything is in order, we will send a digital agreement so you can sign it and send it back." Donato, the director of the Orchestra concluded. Iseul nodded looking at the screen of her laptop.

"Alright." She agreed. "Okay! So we are on for the tenth of June." Donato smiled. "I'm so honoured. I'll see you in Las Vegas in three weeks." Iseul confirmed. "Thank you again." Donato said. "I'll send the agreement as soon as I can." Iseul said preparing to hang up the Zoom call.

"Have a good day." Iseul added. "Thanks, you too." Donato smiled before Iseul hung up. "Oh my fucking gosh! It's actually happening!" Iseul screamed in excitement standing up from her chair.

Keeping up the professionalism was hard while trying to contain her excitement. "Okay," She drawled out. "Relax Iseul." A moment passed before she started jumping around her office squealing in excitement. "I can't fucking relax!"


"Hwang_Iseul01 is Live"

"Hi everyone!" Iseul greeted waving at the camera. A few days had passed since the meeting she had with the director, Donato and everything was finalised.

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