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The queen sat down on her couch with the guest standing in front of her.

"So? What do you think of her?" the queen asked and crossed her arms.

"She is quite naïve, your majesty." The guest lowered his gaze and looked at the table that was studded with gems.

"She has always been nave, but that attitude of hers gets on my nerves. She will come back soon, what are your plans?"

"The princess seems to have a soft spot for me. She looks at me like I am someone that she knows."

The queen straightened in her seat. "Are you? If you personally know her, then you should be careful."

"It would be another problem if she discovered our plan. She's done enough damage already," the queen sneered, biting onto her fingernails. She quickly needs to get rid of the princess as soon as possible. Her plan was to poison her with small bits every day until her body gave in but that plan failed.

She wanted to take it slow since Elliot is still far from his legal age but now that the princess is taking matters into her own hands and is actually trying to strengthen her position for the crown, the queen cannot back down any longer. If the king favors the princess, then getting rid of her and placing Elliot on the throne will be more difficult.

"I will execute the plan after here while the knights are away. Those two are very strict in guarding the princess, I have to make them believe that I am someone harmless."

The corners of the queen's lips lifted into a smirk and nodded in approval.

"Be sure to eliminate her without fail, son of Baron Pitsborough, I already gave your father the amount." The queen warned, "I will help you enter the men's academy if you succeed, but if you fail, I will have your head cut off."

Suddenly, Simon Pitsborough's neck felt tight. He wouldn't be in this position if not for his family's situation and his dream of becoming a renowned scholar. He does not know the princess, nor does he care for her. She's been living in luxury and wealth all her life, while her family suffers in poverty, even though they are noble. It's time she gave up on the thought of becoming a future queen and gave the chance to have a good life to him instead.

"Well, then," Simon bowed his head, "I will now go back before they notice that I have been gone for too long."

The queen flailed her arms, signaling him to leave. Simon turned his heel and walked towards the door, and just as he was about to turn the knob, the queen mentioned something.

"Don't forget to burn the orphanage down after everything. I don't want that disgusting orphanage and school for orphans to exist even after the brat's gone."

Simon's grip tightened around the knob and he forced a nod. "Of course, your majesty."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Norma's hands shivered after hearing the conversation. Her brother and the other children are at the orphanage. If Simon succeeds in killing the princess, the orphanage gets burnt down together with the children.

Fear and panic washed over her whole being. She needed to warn them before it was too late. She ran away before Simon could open the door. Her feet dragged her through the hallway, but she did not know exactly where to go or what to do.

Then she stopped. What will she do? Reporting directly to the king does not seem to be a good idea. Sir William is hard to find and it might be too late. The young prince can't do anything about it.

Time was running out and the queen's guest might have already left. Norma was anxious to find answers and thought of going there herself, but why?

She pondered on the reasons why she should go there herself and the possibility of getting entangled in a fight that has nothing to do with her. Why should she go rescue the princess who did nothing but hurt and humiliate her for the years that she spent in the palace?

Thoughts started to cloud her mind, and certain things became clear to her. All that matters to her is the safety of her brother and not the princess. She should not care for the princess.

Meanwhile, Tatiana and the others are preparing a farewell party for the princess, Emma, and the knights. Nadia and Emma are busy cooking while Faye and her brother, Loyd are decorating the dining hall.

"Don't run too much or you will fall—oh, and there he goes." Tatiana walked towards the boy name Reed who bonked his head on the table and fell backwards. He immediately started bawling while Tatiana hurried to stand him up.

"I told you not to run, Reed." Tatiana caressed the forehead of the kid, "don't cry and go play."

Reed immediately stopped crying and, with a balloon tied to his wrist, he continued running and joined the other children. Tatiana now remembers all the children's names after staying here with them for days.

"Food is almost ready. Are the knights and Sir Simon here?" Naida peeked from the doorway, wearing an apron and a spatula in her hand.

"I don't know about the knights since there was an urgent meeting, but Sir Simon said that he wouldn't be too long. He was just going to get his remaining things from the place he stayed at for a while."

The princess looked around the mansion for the last time before returning to the palace later in the afternoon. It's only been a week, but look at how far she'd come. She has now created a safe place for the children, and they will live a life that they deserve from now on. And hopefully, someday, the orphanage will be empty because all the children are adopted and have their own loving families.

It is sad to think about a house with no laughter and children, but the orphanage is only a place to stay for orphans while they prepare themselves for their new homes.

"Mistress!" Tatiana looked out the window and saw Simon waving his hand outside the gate. Tatiana walked out the door and waved back.

"Food is ready!"

"I have something to show you!" Simon shouted back and pointed excitedly in the other direction, "There is a store that sells educational books for an affordable price!"

Immediately, Tatiana's ears rang. The word affordable always seemed to enchant her in some way, causing her to hurriedly come out of the window and go with Simon.



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now