Chapter 3

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I didn't think Alicia would try to seduce me. After rejecting her business proposal, you have to be careful when you compliment a woman, sometimes it goes to their heads.

I can't wait for this six-month contract to end so I can get back to clubbing, and might hit the casino while I'm at it. Mother keeps nagging me to get married, now that I'm in this fake relationship, I'll let her meet Olivet soon.

Her father's bakery produced exceptional products. She's hard working but she needs to stop wearing her grandmother's wardrobe. I could have asked to wed in contract to some other woman but it can't be some random woman. I'm not too acquainted with Olivet but I've seen her working shifts at her father's bakery.

She doesn't speak often but the customers seem to enjoy interacting with her.

"Uncle, turn the AC on, I'm hot." My niece ordered, she didn't even ask.

"Mom bought me the new Gucci handbags," she squealed, "She's going to France next week so I'll be staying with Nana."

"Your dad won't be home?" I made a right turn, watching the stoplight as it changed from green to orange.

Stretching her hand out, she admired her glittering painted nails. "He's going on a business trip," suddenly her expression went from eagerness to curiosity.


"It's nothing."

How will I introduce her to Olivet? I won't tell her that we're married yet. When we arrived at my place, she gets out of the vehicle.

The gardener was busy pruning the canopy of a ficus benjamina. He's an expert and my garden has never looked more healthy and vivacious.

She pointed at the tree, "That's a ficus benjamina, also known as weeping fig."

"Correct, that's a thousand points."

"Sir, welcome home." The gardener greets me brushing dirt from his pants, he smiles, glancing at the flowers by the fountain, they were shocking red, some flowing waves of pink and lavender.

I love plants, seeing them thrive brings me nothing but joy. I soothed myself with the scent of flowers and the fading evening.

"I'm heading inside."

He nodded and returned to his work. Lillian crossed her arms, glaring at him.

"Lilly, what's the matter?"

She gestured for me to lower my head so she could whisper in my ear, "That man is filthy. He has no form of decency."

"That's not nice, he's my gardener and I trust none else in taking care of the plants."

"Humph!" She cocks her chin and walks away, tails of Persian silk flowing from behind her dress.

I wonder if Olivet has settled in. I'll have to find out, removing my jacket, I made my way up the staircase. Striding towards my bedroom, I pushed the door open.


Loud snoring in the corner of the room drew my attention. She's sprawled over the couch, one leg high up and the other crooked. One slender arm slanted wearily on her damp forehead. The sky overhead throbbed and pulsed with light, forming a sheet of golden orange against her profile. This troublesome lass sounds like a tractor failing to start.

I stepped closer and noticed the light ruddiness that painted her cheeks. I swore viciously at how miraculously generous her breasts were, they're damn upright virginal, so full. I thought she was flat chested.

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