Chapter 4

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I hated this. I absolutely hated all of this. Dwindling my thumb over and over, I willed myself to look away from this blasted mirror. My dress, it's too much! I've never witnessed such a lavish sight.

He chose Christian Dior, my hidden curves filled the soft spaces of the cool fabric. My breasts are fuller than usual. They made no attempt to hide their voluptuous merriment. I flushed warmly, slightly embarrassed.

If there was only a way to escape through the back door on the first floor, I'd flee but there were guards everywhere. He's taking such precautions. Can't say I blame him. I tried to get away but my plan failed when his driver reported me. I have no choice but to attend the red carpet-photo shoot with him.

Even in the same bed, he hadn't laid a finger on me. That's what I've anticipated, if he tried anything funny, I'll hang his balls on Santa's Christmas tree.

He'll rue this day I say. He'll rue it!

The voice when it came, floated on the air, lilting and full of appraisal. "It's the perfect fit."

I remained silent and looked up but that one glance caused my heart to beat a little faster. It was as if a hummingbird took flight in my chest just at the sight of him.

His rapturous green eyes held an air of playful curiosity, almost daring. And his form was strong and lean. His wide shoulders carried with it my unsteady eyes and his trousers accented the powerful muscles in his thighs.

He loomed over my tiny frame and when he glanced down at me, I felt like a mouse in a cat's trap.

"I didn't want to go." I almost wavered when he placed his hand on my shoulder. Large and very warm.

"I was worried the dress wouldn't fit, go to the car and wait for me there." It sounded more like a command than a request.

What does he take me for, his pet? I chewed out my words at him, "Fine." It's more like a growl than a response.

My breath caught when he wrapped his arm around my waist. I twisted against him in an attempt to free myself but he had muscles of steel and held me fast.

"Tell me sweet," the timbre in his voice tore my flesh with sarcasm. "Do you know what a wife's duty to her husband is?"

My lower lip trembled with anger. The fire on my lips nearly burnt him, "I don't care."

His hand on my back shifted against my damp flesh in a way that nearly took away my ability to stand.

"Obedience and submission."

I swallowed the wound up ball in my throat and before I got the chance to retaliate, he let me go. Almost at my wit's end, I quickly turned away. My senses were overloaded. I took huge gulps of air, trying to calm myself. I'll make his red carpet photo shoot hell.

The heat on my skin had finally abated to a moderate scorching level by the time I reached the car. James had one hand across his chest, he tilted his cap smiling awfully bright.

"Good morning my lady."

His eyes twinkled the more when I came near and he opened the door.

"My lady thing isn't working for me, use my name."

He nods in response.

Golden streaks of light flooded the wispy orange sky, bringing the kindness of angel's wings along fattening clouds. I broke into a wistful smile, inhaling the sweet yawns of newly blossomed flowers and damp earth. I stared at my gloved hand, barely able to make out the formation of my fingers.

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