Chapter 21

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"And then I met you, and slowly but all

At one once my whole world began to change."



The sun was rising over the mountains, dispelling the sharp chill of the morning. My sweet little thing. She was lying on her side, facing me, breathing softly. Her cheeks were flushed from the warmth of the room, as our bed was bathed in sunshine streaming in from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

My eyes lazily traveled over her exposed skin and to the plump apex of her thighs. Unblemished and pleasing to the eye. She curled into a ball, softly murmuring. I leaned closer to listen, but I couldn't decipher what she was saying.

Her eyes twitched.

All of a sudden, her body twisted and she let out a heart-wrenching cry.

Her arms stiffened and she wrestled with the sheet that shrouded her as if it were a cage.


"Olly," I placed a gentle hand on her bare shoulder, stroking her now perspiring flesh but she only trembled uncontrollably —calling my name over and over. I can't get her to wake up.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"I'm here," I was about to reach for her again when she bolts upright, gasping for air. Under her eyes are red and slightly puffy.

She's breathing roughly. I quickly filled a glass with filtered water and fed her, all the while caressing her back.

After a long, tense minute, she looked at me, eyes wide and fretful.

"Were you having a nightmare?"


"What was it about?"

She inhaled loudly, drawing the sheet over her exposed shoulders and to her chin, swallowing her frame whole before billowing cloudlike over the mattress.

".. please talk to me."

"It was our honeymoon, we made love and I fell asleep in your arms." She pressed the sheet to her eyes, "When I woke up you were gone."

My throat convulsed with discomfort, "You dreamed I made love to you, then abandoned you?"

She nods. "I looked around but you were nowhere to be found."

My precious flower. I gently unbound her clenched fingers one by one and kissed them. "I'm not going to leave you. "You know that, right?"

"..I don't want to lose you. I won't bear that kind of pain."

I petted her cheek, tracing her skin with my thumb, "In my bed. There's only you. I've only ever wanted you."

"Even with this weight on my hips?"

"Your hips are fine. I love every part of you." I lowered my lips to her neck, kissing across her quickening pulse.

Drenched in a deep, intense green, and heavy with emotion, she gazed at me without blinking.

"I'm going to do what I do best in the morning."

"What might that be?" Her voice is soft and tender.

"I'll fix you breakfast and give you a full head-to-toe massage."

Her eyes softened and her cheeks flush.

I kissed her in solemn confirmation of my words. How much longer will I be able to hold back? I want to make slow passionate love to the woman who has my heart.

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