Chapter 14

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"I felt once more how simple and frugal a thing is happiness: a glass of wine, a roast chestnut, a wretched little brazier, the sound of the sea. Nothing else."

Nikos Kazantzakis― 


Stormme's entire being radiated an aura of fury, it was as if held an explosive tight within himself.

"Nastia. The baby isn't mine," the air around us crackled with the sheer intensity of his anger. "I'm sick of your bullshit, get out."

Her voice dripped with venom when she spoke, "You didn't remember when you f-ked me, you were drunk and hot and wild like an untamed animal, best night of my life."

My eyes sank like an anchor at the twinge of discomfort. Not that I was even allowed to feel envious of what he was doing or who he was with.

"I am pregnant for you!" she screamed, "stop coddling that girl and give me attention."

I shift from him, unable to hold the tears back. I'm scared. I'm so scared. I've been reflecting on how much he meant to me. How deeply I care for him, he's my anchor, my safe haven in this chaotic world. Losing him was my biggest fear, the thought of a future without him feels unbearable. Who wants to be with a blind mole? Isn't that the harsh reality?

The woman's footsteps disappear through the exit.

"Olly -"

"No. You should talk with her. I'll be fine."

With a surge of energy, he gently cups my face in his hands, his touch was a combination of tenderness and urgency. "You are not fine, you are worried and afraid." his fingertips trace the contour of my cheek conveying his affection. "There's no need to be."

"She might be pregnant, you were drunk and-"

"I have nothing to do with that woman," he seethed. "Yes. I was wasted but I am a hundred percent sure we didn't have sex. I know my body, if there were any changes, I wouldn't miss it." his muscles clench with frustration under the thick cloud of my melancholy.

"Why do you have the need to assure me?" his mouth dropped to the exposed area of my shoulder. I sucked in my belly, the roughness of his unshaven cheek teasing the delicate skin.

"When I woke up this morning and saw you lying beside me, I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest guy alive, my heart swelled with joy and pride." he takes those perspiring little hands of mine into his bigger ones, "Because of that, I will work hard to be the best version of myself for you. You deserve all that I have to give."

When I breathed, it carried a subtle tremor, betraying my fragility. I moved closer to him and this time, it was me who kissed his forehead. That same day, I had turned around to embrace him, only to find an empty pillow, my heart had never ached with such a loss, and missed having those safe loving arms around me.

He smothered his face in my breasts, inhaling the scent there. I'm sweating. My arms quivered like an unsteady branch ready to break and I tried pulling back but his hands clamped me in place.

"I - I need to shower!"

"Ayy, lad. There's a crazy woman outside destroying the plants. I tried aiding your grandmother but she's ballistic."


A deafening scream erupted within an earshot, followed by pounding footsteps. I squeezed my ears, trying to block the sounds out.

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