Chapter 5

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Beep! Beep! I blinked hard a few times before peering up from the thick stack of papers on the right corner of my desk. That photocopying machine needs to be thrown out asap. Where's Sable? These documents must be delivered to Washington University by eight.

Squares of warm light spilled through the lighted blinds, partially engulfing the cold lifeless desk. Bitter coffee left a comforting aftertaste in my mouth. The chair squeaks on its hinges when I lean forward in an attempt to minimize the stabbing ache in my lower back.


It happened in a split second. My mother attacked the door, sending it to heaven. Smooth red hair framed her youthful face but when she glimpsed at me, her eyes were two sapphire orbs melting over a gentle flame. The sophisticated woman glided toward me in a posh stiletto, hips that gave way for my birth swayed with each step.

I pushed my chair away, shooting up. "Mom. I wasn't expecting you." My back had snapped like a twig.

She pushed a magazine next to my fingers, "What's the meaning of this?"

Olivet and I were adorned on the front cover of US Weekly. It seems our appearance at the red carpet shoot is another hot topic.

They're feeding on it like a bee on nectar.

"Your arrival at the Halo Gala, it's making the headlines," she yanked her Givenchy handbag off her shoulder, making use of the chair. "Do you have any idea how many copies are being sold right now?"

I'm certain a nuclear bomb had exploded in her stomach, she looked like she was ready to vomit her words but kept balling her fists.

"Mom, you should be happy for me," I turned the AC up a few more degrees, sweat beaded on her forehead.

"How long have you known this woman?" her nostrils flared and she raised her hand before I could speak, "No. Let me guess, two months. Like all your other relationships."

I took one huge breath, grounding my jaw but something sharp stabbed me in the hammering flesh of my heart, getting a glimpse of the burnt scar on her wrist.

The memories came rushing in. I tried to fight them but they caught me by the collar. She quickly masked it with the tight-knitted sleeve of her white cardigan.

My voice came out hoarse, "We met three months ago."

She laughed bitterly and wiped at a stray tear. "You've just met whomever this person is and now you're engaged."

Worry lines marred her forehead, her eyes desperately scanned my face seeking some words of alignment to her statement. The missing wedding ring on her finger attested to many of her troubles.

"Marriage is a promise of commitment, love, and faith. You're my only child. I don't want you regretting -"

"Mom. I know what I'm doing." I leaned into the chair and stared at the intricate panelled ceiling.

"Your engagement announcement is making rounds in the media, for one," she scrolls through Twitter, "The playboy hits a big one, will there be wedding bells or a wedding from hell?"

What a joke.

"Stormme!" She threw her purse at my face, "Are you listening to me? Green Leaf Incorporation is a mega tech company and influences millions of users, can't you keep your dick in your pants for my sake?"

I'm not surprised she'd say something like that given she's the head marketing director of Haven, a popular female cosmetic and clothing brand.

She almost sneered at me when the corner of my mouth tilted.

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