5. Mystery girl

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The grand Sabha of the great Hastinapur was personally decorated the great mahamahim and Mahamantri as they thought that their favourite Pandavas would be victorious. The 2 were disheartened and were burning as the Kauravas were being praised.

While with the Pandavas they were burning but Arjun the youngest Pandava was lost in the beauty of Subhadra. The scent of her lavender spray and the mogra tied to her hair. The was she talked to the way she walk. From her laugh to her innocent nature all was so mesmerising to look at.

With Subhadra ,
She and Sushala were talking amongst themselves and catching up on life.

Su- You know sakhi playing Veena has 2 advantages 1 it increases your control and 2 it helps you concentrate.
Sub- Yes queen Sushala I know that.
Su- Okay , anyways you know what bhrata Bheemabela (61st Kaurava brother) asked me?
Sub- What did he ask you?
Su- He asked me if he can play Veena or not.
Sub- Then what did you say?

It was at that time that Arjun started to over hear their conversation.

Su- If you want to learn Veena then you should find a nice teacher for your self.

Just then all of them heard Veena being played they looked at the stage and saw that it was none other then the madhya Pandava who was playing. Subaahu (43rd Kaurava brother) was going to say something when Suyodhan said.

Suyo- Subaahu you should not insult the art as the one because of whom we Kauravas are born the great Mahadev is also known to play Veena.
Subaahu- Sorry bhrata.
Suyo- Subaahu you don't need to apologise it's a duty of elders to correct their children when they are wrong not let them do those this.

Suddenly they heard Arjun scream saying that.

Arjun-Yadav Kumari if you want I can teach you the art of Veena.
Sub- Call me sister bhrata Arjun did you forget that I am the daughter of you mamashree. Also I know how to play Veena , me and Sushala were talking about Bheemabela when you heard our conversation from the middle.

The crowd irrupted into laughter and the colours of the face of Arjun had faded. Suyodhan to this as a plan to forbid the Pandavas from having a marital alliance with Dwarka so he with Vatavega (47th Kaurava) went near Kunti and Priyamvadha where they would her the conversation of the 2 brothers.

Vatavega- Bhrata yadavkumari had called the Pandavas brothers meaning if she is with them the political power of Dwarka will be with the Pandavas.
Suyo- Don't worry Anuj the word spreads like a wild fire but until Yadav Kumari tied rakhi to all the 5 brothers they will have no effect and the Pandavas are dumb that they will never let's Devi Subhadra tie rakhi to them unless Devi Kunti says so. Also don't forget that Devi Kunti is no longer a Yadava as she was given to King kuntibhoja.

Saying that the brothers went and started to laugh. Kunti and Priyamvadha who heard the conversation started a conversation of their own.

Pri- Kunti you will have to get Subhadra to tie them rakhi now so that you can have the political power with you.
Kunti- Yes you are right who is that bad omen to call me dumb I will show him. Greetings to all the guests! I would like to take a moment for letting Subhadra tie rakhi to all the Pandavas as a start of a new relationship.

Arjun made a face like the one made by Indra when Mahadev opened his 3rd eye or the one when he heard the name of Indrajit Meghnaad.

With Yudhisthir ,
He looked at the daughter of Yashoda and Nandlal who was also the friend of Sushala. But Vrushali had her eyes on someone else , the one who looked Majestic , the one who was like the mini sun himself.

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