27. Kurukshetra Day 15

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In the Kaurava camp ,
Jeevalakshmi saw that Ravaan , Meghnaad and Kumbhakarna were revived. She called Suyodhan and told him everything.

Suyo- Don't worry mata I have 3 boons remaining. I will summon Lord Rama and his companion Sumitri Lakshman.

Suyodhan then told her about the idea when the Pandavas do the night attack.

Soon Lord Rama (Krishna) and Shri Lakshman (Balram) had arrived. All the warriors were ready with their weapons in their hands and as soon as the Pandava army stepped foot on their land the Kaurava army attacked them.

With the attack the 2 Sena's reached the Kurukshetra. Where came Ravaan , Kumbhakarna and Meghnaad.

They along with Ghatotkach started to use their rakshasi powers and annihilated the entire Rakshas clan , Pisachas , Kinnars and the asuras.

They also killed Bhagadatta , Lohita , remaining Kauravas minus Chauchitra and Suyodhan , Shishupal , Samb & Bhanu.

That's when the people knew that they should be stopped. Suyodhan did the shanknaad and there came Maryada Purushottam Shri Rama along with the fierce Lakshman on the back of the greatest Ram bhakt shri Hanuman.

Seeing this the Vanar Sena who were on the side of Pandavas came to the side of Kauravas. Like in Ramayana the 3 Rakshasas got the same end in the yug of dwapar.

There Kunti was talking to Draupadi and Kunti said.

Kunti- Putri did you notice that Krishna and Balram are not here?
Drau- Yes Mata maybe there were scared to even look at dharmavadhi Ravaan , Kumbhakarna and Meghnad.

Ghatotkach was stopped by Karna and they started a fierce battle. The battle was getting heated and Karna to kill Ghatotkach had summoned his Vastavi Shakti. That's when he heard Jeevalakshmi say.

Jeev- Don't karna! That is a mahavinashak Astra save that for your main enemy. Use the brahmaastra to finish this rakshasa.

Karna nodded and then he Summoned the Brahmaastra and killed Ghatotkach.

Seeing the death of their powerful warrior Arjun challenged karna. Both started to fight with each other.

Arjun summoned the Naag Astra which Karna countered with the Garud Astra.
Then Arjun summoned the Indraastra which Karna countered with the Bhargav Astra.
Then Arjun summoned the Himb Astra which Karna countered with the Shishir Astra.
Then Arjun summoned the samohan Astra of his father which Karna countered with the Prajanyaastra.
Arjun then summoned the Andhakrast which Karna countered with the Mrityunjay Astra.

The frustrations of Arjun reached the peak and he summoned the Brahmaastra , Karna being the master of weaponry countered it with normal arrows. A feat that had never been achieved by anyone in the entire brahmand.

Finally Arjun tried to summon the Pashupat Astra but he had forgotten the mantra of that Astra.

That's when Karna shot the Vastavi Shakti and with that the life of Arjun came to an end.


Suyodhan and Vayudev were fighting and Vayudev said "How dare you defeat me! I will kill your wife's and sons now!" Suyodhan became enraged and with the Maheshwar Astra he burned Vayudev. 


Ashwatthama and Agnidev were fighting with each other. Ashwatthama tactically used the Varuna Astra , Varsha Astra and Himb Astra repeatedly. The body of Agni dev started to lose Agni because of Water Astras and Himb Astras being aimed at him. When Agnidev froze , Ashwatthama used the brahmasira Astra and ended Agnidev.


Like Karna Arjun there was one more rivalry between siblings. Shanidev and Yama , both started to fight in all glory but the student of Mahadev was stronger that the student of Surya. Hence , Shanidev was victorious.

With that the war ended. But there was one issue , both the sides had no Sena left with them.

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