26. Kurukshetra day 14

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Day 14 of the war had started and Tarakasur had created an unbreakable vyuh. While Rudra was in the middle of the chakravyuh all alone without anyone else.

Outside the Pandavas and the Kauravas were protecting their respective vyuh's from the opposite Sena entering it.

Both the Sena's had engaged in brutal war with each other. Shrutsena to son of Draupadi and Bheem saw Vrishketu annihilating the army of Pandavas. Shrutsena Sena sneakily attacked Vrishketu , who became enraged at the coward move. An angry Vrishketu grabbed a spear nearby and slayed the evil Shrutsena.


Like Shrutsena , Devi Prithvi also tried to attack Mrigakshi from behind. It was to take her anger out about her lose by the hands of Mrigakshi.

Feeling the presence behind her Mrigakshi with her sword she turned around and boom 💥 the head of Prithvi was rolling on the soil of Prithvi.

Brahmadev with his powers along with Mata Saraswati's knowledge created balance on Earth.


Purujit had hid himself in the in the "unbreakable" vyuh of Tarkasura. But alas the Vyuh had started to be annihilated by lord Kartikeya and like the millions of asuras of Tarkasura , Purujit had been slayed.

Tarkasur had killed Manasa , Karakota , Takshak , Ashwasena , Eklavya , Uluka , Bhrishravas , Somadatta , Bhalika , His own guru Shukracharya and Aditya the mahamahim of Ayodhya.

Tarkasura had also killed 78 Kauravas. Which sent the Kauravas side into attack mode in anger.

That was enough for lord Kartikeya , he summoned his divine veil and slayed Tarkasura once again.


Ulupi and Chitrangada were gossiping as the soldiers were protected them.

That's when like a gush of winds came Mata Dharini in all her glory holding her axe. She slayed all of them including Ulupi and Chitrangada.


Ashwatthama with the death of Kauravas was also angered. He was fighting against the Kampilya army led by Satyajit. Like anyone who came in front of Rudra avatar Ashwatthama. Ashwatthama summoned the Narayan Astra which killed Drupad , Dhrishtadyum and Satyajit along with the entire army of Kampilya.

The Narayan Astra also killed Savarg the son of Bheem , Devika , Valandhara , Hidimba , Maya , King Kuntibhoja ; the army of kuntibhoj and Nakshatrani.


Suyodhan was also on his attacking mode , he was angered and he started to kill anyone who came in front of him.

Suyodhan smashed 49 Marutas with his mace. Then came the Ashvini kumaras in front of them , suyodhan with the Chandrahas slayed the twin brothers as well.


Abhimanyu entered the chakravyuh and started to fight Rudra as he reached the centre of the chakravyuh. Both had a fierce battle but Abhimanyu taunted Vrushali and Mrigakshi's upbringings.

That made Rudra angered Rudra started to attack with his full him leaving Abhimanyu with scars all over his body.

Rudra with his sword pierced through the heart of his unknown cousin and slayed him.

Back in the Pandava camp ,
Arjun- I Arjun vow if I don't kill my sons killer I will burn myself!

Indra hearing that got tensed , hence he brought back 3 infamous Rakshasas to life.

The 3 rakshasas and Indra decided to have a night attack with each other.

Authors note:-

How was day 14 of the war?

Kauravas side is angered now , will the Pandavas be safe?

Ghatotkach vadh coming soon , excited?

Who are the 3 rakshasas?

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