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I walk to the window frame

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I walk to the window frame. My feet unconsciously brought me here, as if the windows opposite to mine will open right up and the man living in there would bedazzle me with his smile and kind eyes.

But it doesn't.

They stay close.

If it were upto me, I would've stayed the night at hospital. But Bilal bhai send everyone including his wife, Hasnain and Irhaa to their respective houses, saying he will stay the night.

I have a right. I wanted to say. But I couldn't.
I couldn't muster up the courage.

A coward is what I am.

I wrench my eyes away from the windows as a knock is heard on my door.

I open the door to find my brother standing with a basket in one hand and large foil packet tucked under one arm.

Before I could ask what is it, I catch a flash of ginger moving inside the basket.

I gasp, opening the lid, the furry ball immediately curling in my hold.

"Jerry!" I bring him upto my chest. Hugging him closer.

"Bilal handed Yousuf's house keys, saying his cat had to be taken care, and I know you love them, and this cat only likes you besides Yousuf, will you take care of him for a few days until Yousuf is out of the hospital?"

I nod, snuggling close to the furball, "It's the least I could do to him."

Bhai nods and places the cat food bag on the floor next to my bookshelf, he also arranges Jerry's sleeping bed beside mine and says he is keeping the litter box in the backyard. That's where Yousuf places in his house, it would be easy for Jerry too.

An hour later, I lay wide awake with Jerry curled up with his head on my stomach. His large green eyes blinking at me. No traces of sleep in his eyes either.

"You also missing him?" I ask the cat.


"I miss him too." I whisper.

Jerry snuggles his head on my stomach. I reach up to stroke the back of his ears.

"He is too kind, isn't he? He pretends to be strict, but he really cares about us, doesn't he?"


"You are so lucky to be always with him, Jerry."


"You are praying for him right?"


I shake my head. "I can't believe I am really having a conversation with a cat."

Jerry raises his head from my stomach, as if he is offended.

Getting up, he hops down and goes to sleep on his sleep bed.

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