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Whenever I used to read the heartbreaking part of the books, where unknowingly a rift is formed between the two main leads, the way they potray pain, does people feel like that in real life too?

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Whenever I used to read the heartbreaking part of the books, where unknowingly a rift is formed between the two main leads, the way they potray pain, does people feel like that in real life too?

The answer is, yes. Yes, they do.

It's a very different pain.

Once you start relaying on a person, it gets very difficult when you both are separated.

You can't sleep properly, eat or think about anything.

Only a thread of trust is keeping me up right.

A thread of promise is what giving me hope.

I had known this day would come and one day eventually I have to face it.

Bear the consequences.

But why is it so painful?

Abbie strokes my hairs as I lay on my bed, watching the closed windows of my room.

They are closed, I could easily open them.

So why I do I feel like I closed them forever?


I snap open my eyes, watching the rays of sunlight poking through the windows.

Is it morning already?

The door to my room opens and frantic steps near my bed.


It's bhabhi.

I get up from my bed, noticing Abbie slept beside me.

"Bhabhi what's wrong?" My voice turns scratchy.

Abbie stirs awake from my voice. "Everything good?"

"Not really no," bhabhi grabs my shoulders, "Mina, Yousuf is leaving."

I shake my head, "W-what do you mean by leaving?"

Bhabhi grabs my face, "He is leaving this country."

My heart stops, for a moment I forget how to breath, how to exist.

Wherever I go, I promise to be with you.

It-it can't be. It can't be. I am sure bhabhi is misunderstood.

"Is he leaving right now?" Abbie asks.

"Yes. He is waiting for you, Mina. He is outside."

I throw away the blankets away from my legs and run downstairs.

And I run the fastest I ever did.

I used to run away from my problems.

To go far away so they don't catch up with me.

So why I do feel like I might lose this race?

"Mina?" I hear mama's confused voice.

"Mina, what are you doing?" It is my brother.

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