35| Park evenings

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"Momo!" Aly whines dragging her whole body down the couch and grips my leg

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"Momo!" Aly whines dragging her whole body down the couch and grips my leg. "Please I want to go out."

"Aly." Maryam baji scolds, "What are you doing? Get up."

I grab the back straps of the dungaree Aly is wearing and lift her up like a normal bag and place her back on the couch.

But she doesn't stops there, she becomes a snake and slithers down the couch again.

"Aly! How are you even doing that?" I ask mildly impressed.

"First take me out." She grips my leg and wraps her legs and hands around it, hanging like a koala.

"Aly don't be stubborn, Momo is not well, he can't take you out." Maryam baji says firmly, taking out Aly's homework and lays it on the centre table.

"No! No homework!" Aly looks at me, her eyes glistening, "Momo please you promised."

"Alyza." Maryam baji's voice turns firm, "Did you not heard what I said?"

Aly's chin wobbles and few tears fall down on her face.

Okay I am sold.

"Maryam baji." I say, "Aly will do her homework after dinner, I promise. But now can I take her to the park?"

Maryam baji glares at me, "And are you going to make sure she does?"

"I will." I say determinedly, "And we will be back in an hour, promise."

Aly tugs at my leg, "Sorry Aly, a little compromise."

She pouts but shrugs and goes to wear her shoes.

"She's becoming so stubborn." Maryam baji sighs closing Aly's summer homework. "And all because of you."

"Let her, she deserves a happy childhood just like we had." I watch Aly skip to the shoe stand.

"If you both are going to park, then even I will join, I am bored here." Mama says as she walks towards Aly to help her wear her shoes.

"Why don't you also join us?" I ask my sister.

She arranges Aly's homework and sags back on the couch, "I am fine, I am on a vacation to relax."

Maryam baji is that kind of a person who pays for her vacation only to sleep in bed all day. Because according to her, she is out and working in Birmingham, so she deserves the sleep.

No one can talk her out of that mentality.

Maryam baji shakes her head as I get up to wear my shoes.

Giving Maryam baji a wave, I grab Aly's hand and walk out of the house, my mom stepping out behind us.

"Momo does the park have swings?" Aly asks jumping on her toes.

"It does." I reply, stealing a glance at the house beside mine,

Will she be there?

I immediately shake my head. She have many things to do to rather be in the park all the time.

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