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Me and Grace were tied up at the entrance area of the Home Tree, with a couple hunters surrounding us making sure we dont escape. Two of the hunters held knives up our throats, the others watching us seeing whats going to happen next.

We couldnt do anything right now. Giving up was the only option. It was only a matter of time when the tree was going down, and were going down with it.

After some time, a dark shadow fell upon us. We all looked up, and saw the huge ship called the Dragon, along with a bunch of others gunships. The wind from it blew dust and wind at us.

Grace and I started panicking as we shared a look.

"I'm begging you, run away!" I pleaded to the people around us. "You have to get to safety!"

Neytiri hissed at me, as Jake started to speak. "Take the ikrans, attack from above."

Na'yori and the others hunters ran off, following his orders. They most certainly wont survive that.

"You have to leave! You dont understand!" Grace yelled out.

"You have to listen to her!" I said, but before we could continue with our warnings, a few hunters put gags over our mouths.

I looked over at Grace and started crying, mumbling into the gag. All she could do was stare at me in pity. Suddenly, the Dragon opened its wings, and released multiple explosions of gas at the people. 

The villagers were confused, until they started to cough and roll around on the floor. Jake and the hunters started shooting at the ships, but all it left was tiny scratches on the metal.

When they realized nothing was working, they started running away. "Everyone, run to the forest!" Jake ordered.

The omaticaya started running towards the forest, but I couldnt see clearly becuase of the fog the gas was creating. I started coughing into the gag, as Grace and I tried our hardest to get out.

I looked up, and saw the Dragon fire at the home tree. "No!" Grace yelled, as she set free from what was covering her mouth.

The navi were running away, as fast as they could from the area, as the branches and leaves were set on fire. Smoke started appearing, making it hard for us to breathe. Into the fog, a small figure was walking towards us. It was Neytiri, holding a knife.

She put it to my throat. "Neytiri, no!" Grace yelled out.

She put the knife above my head, releasing my hands. "If you are one of us.. Help us." She cried out to me. I nodded my head, before she released Grace. She had every right to kill me there, but she didnt.

"We gotta run." I said to Grace, and we started running into the forest after the other Navi. As we ran into the forest, Quaritch and his men started firing misles at the bottom of the hometree, leavng the Navi to watch in horror. The tree started falling to the ground, a cloud of dust and leaves appearing from under the tree.

I looked around the place, to see the omaticaya dead, injured or crying at seeing their home in this state. It was sad and horrible.

Grace and I decided to help evacuate as soon as possible. She helped children whose parents were no where to be found, and I helped the elderly. We took the people to the area, and there were  a bunch of injured navi around it.

I wanted to leave with Grace again, to find the others, but she stopped me. "Y/n." She put her hand to my chest. "You're a medic. Help the injured, I'll bring the others."

I nodded my head, as she handed me a first-aid kit. I started with the ones with bigger wounds. I stopped them from bleeding, from infections and such. From the corner of my eye, as I was  finishing up cleaning a kids wound, I saw Neteyam approach me, supporting injured Loak by his side. I turned my back to him, as he laid Loak next to a tree in front of me.

"Loak has a wound on his leg." He said coldly, before walking off.

"Neteyam!" I tried to call for him, but he just walked into the forest. I sighed, glad that he was alive.

"It'll take him some time." Loak smiled. "But he loves at you." I looked over at him, and noticed how red the outer area of his eyes was.

"Whats with your eyes? Must be from the gas." I said as I cleaned his wound.

"No it's weed." He said, straightfoward. I couldnt help but laugh a bit.

"So you're high? Now?" I  raised a brow.

"If you wanna be one of the people, you have to try it." He booped my nose. 

"Sure." I smiled.

"Y/n?" I heard from behind. It was Kiri.

I stood up, facing her. "Hi.." I said. "i'm so-" before I could finished, she pulled me in a tight hug.

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're alive." She said, before pulling away.

Neteyam came to our area again, handing a a baby to Kiri. "Put her to sleep." He told her, before looking at me for a second, but looked away when we made eye contact. With that he walked to Loak.

"He's glad you're alive too." Kiri smiled.

I smiled too, but started feeling lightheaded. "I don't feel so good."

Neteyam heard me, and slowly stood up, a bit worried. "Y/n?" He asked, making me look at him. The seight before me started getting dark, as he approached me, and before I could fall and hit my head he cought me, laying me in his arms. "Y/n?!Stay with us!"

With that, everything got black. We ran out of time.

"One of them." Neteyam S.Where stories live. Discover now