Finally on vacation

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      *Kailanis POV*
We were in the car minutes away from ariving to this luxury resort that we were going to stay 2 weeks. My dad had came here with bussines and brought me, my mum and my brother with him to have fun while he and his partners make bussines. We finally arrived at the resort. It had a park, 4 pools, two resuarants, one arcade and two pool bars. Also to reach the beach you had to walk about 2 minutes and you walked thru a little park and a mini bar.My mum asked for the room keys while my dad parked the car. We took our laguages and went to our rooms. Me and my brother, Asher got a apartment with a kitchen, a bed, a bathroom, a balcony and a living room, our parents had the same. It was a resort and we wanted to have our best in this vacation. As soon as we got there i changed in my orange bikini. I took my versace sunglases and my little beach bag and went alone to the beach. I also had some shorts on so i wasant completley in the bikini. My parents will be stuck with bussines the whole trip and my brother dosent like the beach, only the pool so guess that where i will find him if i need him. I got on the beach, wow it had all of the beach chairs were white with white pillows, i looked closely to all of the people on the beach. Literally everyone of them had only designer bikinis or bag or sunglases, they were rich, just like me. First time i saw a beach filled with rich people. I was standing with the back at the beach bars and completley froze to look at the people.
"Hey, you alright?" I heard a mans voice saying that toucing my shoulder. I panicekd and had a little jumpscare and quickly turned back.
"Woahh dont touch me, and yeah im fine, dont worry about me." I said while putting my glasses on my eyes.
"I see your the grumpy type, where are your parents?" He asked, i didnt even knew his name and he asked about my parents ughh what a freak!
"My parents are here beacuse of bussines and my brother is in our room so yes i came alone to the beach, bassicaly what im going to do for 2 weeks straight." I said while rolling my eyes
"That seems Bill by the way" he said in a histerycal voice.
"Im Kailani, nice to meet you"
"How old are you Kailani?" He asked looking at me from up and down.
"I just turned 17, you?"
"Im turning 18 next month actually."
"Thats nice, anyway i guess i will see you around then" i went to get myself a beach chair and put a towel on it. I orderd a coktail and i just stood on that beach chair without moving so i could tan. After about 3 hours i recived a message. It was from Asher, he said that i need to come in the room beacuse dinner is in a hour. So of course i left the beach.
"What leaving so early princess?" Bill asked
"Stop calling me princess you freak, and yes, my brother called me" i then left without hearing what Bill had to say but i had a feeling he was looking back at me so when i reached the end of the street i looked back and there he was staring at me, what a freak literally. I enterd the room and placed my stuff on the couch.
"Did you had fun at the beach?" Asher asked.
"Well i tanned and this freak came up to me and asked some questions, i think his name was Bill." As i said those words, Ashers jaw dropped.
"Bill as in Bill Kaulitz? Black hair, wierd makeup?"
"Woah chill out how do you know all of these?" I asked him looking so freaked out
"Kailani, he is the son of the boss that owns this entire resort and many other. Oh and Bill also has a twin brother, Tom Kaulitz, but you cant mistaken them. Look dont say anything wrong to them beacuse they are dangerous."yeah i was totaly freaked out right now like what the fuck. I decided to ignore it and i went to take a shower. I then made my makeup and put on a top and a skirt. "You ready to go to dinner?" I asked Asher
"Yeah lets go"
"But what about mom and dad?"
"They said they will order room service" we made our way into the restaurant and we sat down. It was a buffet with all the types of food literally. I got some sushi and a glass of jucie. I wasant paying attention to Asher at all when i saw this boy entering the restaurant, fuck he was hot. We finished our food and when we went past that boy i said to Asher.
"You see him? He is hot asf"
"Kailani stop he is Tom kaulitz. In that moment Tom turned his head to us and i started panicking.
"Fuck he heard us" i said looking panicked at Asher. He then slowly came up to us and started into our eyes. Asher wasant panicked but i dont know why.
"So you think im hot princess?"
"I think that but you dont have to flatter yourself" i said rolling my eyes.
"Ah so youre the girl that Bill told me about, Kailani? Am i right? Fuck he knew my name im so fucked up.
"Yeah i guess thats me, anyway we have to go, we dont just talk to creeps that come to us." I said and then left
"I hope your not sleeping at 12Am!" He shouted behind me. What did this freak meant by this? We got into our hotel room and i changed into my pijamas. I had these victoria secret pijamas with little bra stripes so you could see mu boobs. Dont judge me it was my only pijama, i didnt had time for shopping before comming here. I started watching a movie, it was about 11:30 , i stopped the movie and asked.
       "Asher, what do you think he meant by that?"
       "I dont know Kalini just go to bed, its late and im so tired."
      "Alr i guess" i continued watching the movie, it was i think about 12:27 i think when i heard something tapping my window, i went to the living room, wich was downstairs and looked out of the window, i went to the front door to see if it was locked, i unlocked it and when i was about to lock it, some hands touched my shoulders and dragged me out of the room, i was about to scream but then one of the hand coverd my mouth, i couldnt see who it was, it was dark and i was with my back at him or her, i dont know.
       "Its fine princess, youre not getting kidnaped, at least not tonight" he said, i then turned around to see Tom, it was Tom fucking Kaulitz.
       "Are you crazy or something? Its 12:30AM, leave me alone!" I wanted to shout but then i will wake someone up.
     "Why so grumpy? Come on lets go for a walk." He said and then grabbed my shoulder.
       "Where are we going?" I asked
        "You will see, just shut your pretty mouth pls" i did as he said since Asher told me that they are dangerous, Tom took me tot his big mansion that was right next to the resort, we enterd the mansion and there was Bill with other two guys.
      "Ah i see you got our prise" Bill said
       "Prize? What is he talking about?" I went and sat next to Bill since all of the other seats were taken.
      "Look i really need to go back to my room before anyone notices."
      "Its fine, here have a drink" Bill said and offerd me a margarita.
      "Thanks.... I guess"
       "Oh by the was these are Gustav and George,  we are friends since we were little"  Out or stress i drank all the margarita and i placed the glass on the glass table in front of me. All the time Tom was stating at me in a wierd way.
     "Look its late i really have to go" i said and went to open the door, thats when Toms hand pulled me.
     "Your not going anywhere, you are staying here till i say so." His hands were on my shoulders
      "What do you think your doing? Get off of me" i pushed Tom and i tried unlocking the door but i couldnt, there was no key.
      "Kalini, just do as Tom says and you wont get hurt." Bill whisperd to me.
     "Come with me" Tom said and then grabbed me, we went on the balcony. He sat down on the chair and lighted up a cigarette.
     "Sit down!" He screamed at me
       "I cant, theres only one seat and you had taken it" i said while rolling my eyes. He then grabbed ne and i was sitting on his lap.
     "What the fuck are you doing? Im not one of your bitches!" I said and got up. He pinned me agianst the wall and put his hands on my waist.
     "Your not going anywhere, he then smelled my hair.
     "Look i dont want to get into your little gang stuff"
    "Who said anything about a gang?"
      "Can you just let me go please?"
       "If you want to let go im not pushing you, you could just pushed me and you could have walked away but you like it, dont you?" We kept eye contact and i started smiling.
     "What? No! I dont like you in any way!" I screamed
      "See thats the problem i think you do." He then grabbed me and we got out of the mansion. We came back to my hotel room. We were standing outside of it. And he asked.
      "Why are you playing hard to get?" He asked
       "Well maybe beacuse your a pshyco and i only stay here for two weeks!"
       "You might stay longer" he said then shoved his tongue into my mouth and kissed me. I stood there in shook, thinking that Tom Kaulitz, a gang mamber kissed me? Nah it must me a catch.
       "Im not falling for you! Your just trying to prove you could have any girl you want!."
        "Thats right, but i want you." With that he played with my hair and left. I enterd the hotel room trying not to make any sound. As i got into bed i looked at the time. It was 3AM, fuck i had been gone for a long time. I tried thinking of what he meant by saying that we might stay a little more. But i just brushed it off and i falled asleep. I actually felt attracted by him, but i wanted to give him a hard time so thats why i acted like that.

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