Did i deserve this?

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*Kailanis POV*

I opend my eyes. I was on the couch, god i had this big headache, i tried standing up and i started getting dizy. I felt something from behind slapping my ass. I turned around and it was Tom smiling and looking down at me.
"You jerk! How dare you touch me? Im not one of your hoes!"i tried pushing him but the pain from him smahing my head into a wall was too big.
"What did you just call me?" He asked comming twords me looking me from up and down. I started backing up until i got to the wall.
"Im not your girlfriend so that dosent give you the right to touch me." I said while looking into his eyes.
"You are my proprety now and you do as i say!" He screamed in my face and then spat.
"Get away from me" i said looking with fear in his eyes. I started breathing heavely since his hand was on my chest pressing me to the wall.
"I thought you learned your lesson from eariler" he laughed and then choked me till i couldnt breath.
"S-s-stop!" Those were the only words i could say. He then let go of me and threw me on the floor.
"Go change! Its almost 12AM and we got a race, your comming with me, and put some makeup on that neck of yours." He said and then went into the kitchen and poured himself some whiskey. I went into the closet and got some white jeans with a red top. I coverd my neck with concelear and went to look for Tom.
"Tom, can i have my phone back?" I asked him
"Why should you? You are being a bad girl! Youre not respecting me at all" he saud while checking me up.
"Normally when people have a conversation they keep eye contact they dont look at my boobs." I replied
"Well what can i say? Guys come on lets go!" Bill, Gustav and George got downstairs in their luxury cars.
"Come on enter the car, dont make me force you!" Tom said licking his lip pearcing. I didnt say anything and i got into the car. On our way to the parking lot where the car met was i still had this awful headacke, that when i heard a knock on my window. I jumped out of fear.
"You comming or not?" It was Bill! Thankgod it wasant Tom. I didnt even realised we got to the car met. I got out of the car and followed Bill to this place where all the people who were going to race tonight were.
"Im going to get a drink, ill be right back" i went to get a drink at the bar and a man aproached me from behind and tapped me on my shoulder.
"Hi! Im Michael, you may know me, im the leader of the "MANG" gang." He said crossing his arms.
"Yeah sorry, i never heard of you in my life but it was nice meeting you, i gotta go thought" i got up from my chair and thats when Michael stopped me. He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me to sit down.
"Where you going swetty? Im not done talking" he said while playing with my hair.
"Look just leave me alone i dint wanna be your friend"
"That too bad because you dont get to decide honey." I got up and tried running but he got me by my arm.
"Bill, Tom!" I started yelling.
"Ah so i can see that you are here with the Kaulitz brothers" he said while smiling.
"Get you hand off her Michael!" Tom said and then pushed Michael away from me dragging me behind him.
"Shes beautiful, i dont know how you got her." Michael said.
"None of your bussines you idiot! Leave her alone, shes my proprety not yours!"
"If you think your so cool enough why dont we race? What your too scared?" Michael asked Tom
"Alright, the winner gets 100k from the other, bet?" Tom asked
"Bet!" They each got into their cars, i was next to Bill, Gustav and George looking at them two. We all heard a gunshot and they started racing. It was the last turn, the most dangerous one where they had to jump over the water and if they didnt made it they could have died. I couldnt look so i closed my eyes, after some seconds i heard everybody cheering up and i opend my eyes. It was Tom! Tom has won the race and also the bet! I was so happy but i hated Tom, how could i be happy? Tom got out of his car and came straight at me and kissed me, this time i kissed him back. The first time i kissed him back.
"It feels good, right?" He asked licking his lip piercing. I didnt had time to reply when i heard a gunshot. It was Michael standing behind Tom with a gun pointed at him. He shoot Tom in the left leg. I started panicking and i leaned down to help him. He was losing too much blood. After sime minutes everyone started leaving and we heard the police. George and Bill got Tom in Bills car and Bill drove him to the hospital followed by Gustav, George and me driving Toms car. I enterd the hospital in a hurry and went to the front desk.
"In what room is Tom Kaulitz?" I asked the nurse.
"Sorry but if you dont identify i cannot give you any information at all."
"Im his girlfriend now in what room is he?" I asked again
"Room 162. I passed by 150 and then 160 and i got to 162. I enterd the room and he was sleeping. I sat on the chair and started crying.
"Tom you dont understand how much i care about you but at the same time i wish that i had never met you. You are constantly beating me up and making these stupid rules that i got to follow and you call me names but i know youre good side too. And i like that side but i will never forgive you for any of these stuff." After i saif those words i kissed him on the cheek and left the hospital crying. I saw Bill waiting for me in the parking lot.
"Ready to go home?" Bill asked.
"Yeah, i will meet you there." I got into the car and started driving while tears were falling from my eyes. I parked the car in front of the mansion and got into Toms bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and on my white shorts there was Toms blood, i jumped on the bed and tried falling asleep.
    The next moring a woke up from a girl.
    "Come on wake up."
     "Woah, back off, who are you?" I asked
    "Oh well i am Gustavs new girldfriend."
    "And what the fuck are you doing in my room?
     "Gutsav asked me to check up on you and i was trying to get those pants filled with blood off you so i can wash them." She said.
      "Thanks but i dont want these pants washed. Now if you can get out please?"
      "Yeah no problem,  im Fallon by the way!"
      "Im kailani" i said all botherd by her.
      " I know who you are, anyways i guess i will see you around."
    What the fuck was wrong with her sneaking up on me like that? I asked myself. I went and put on new chlotes. I brushed my teeth and got out of the room.
     "Morning Kailani!" Bill said while reading the news and sipping out of his coffe.
     "Morning!" Gustav said while he had Fallon sitting on his lap making out. Ugh how disgutsing they were. Fallon looked at me and winked and then i went to make myself a coffe.
    "Moring, so wheres George?" I asked
     "Still sleeping." Bill replied.
     "Well im gonna go to check on Tom at the hospital, ill se you guys later." I got my coffe and got into Tom car. Only the feeling of driving his car, the one that he beat me up in was giving me chills. I got to the hospital and went to his room. I was standing in fromt of the door staring at the door like a creep. I was thinking of everything that happend last night when a doctor came.
     "Hello miss do you need any help?"
     "Ah! No thank you!" I jumped in fear. I decided i was ready to eneter his room. I pulled a chair next to his bedside and started talking to him even thought i knew he couldnt hear me.
    "Let me tell you ehat happend so Gustav has this new chick names Fallon, she has dark hair and she is tall like the same height as Gustav. So i was sleeping this morning and she came into our bedroom and tried chainging my chlotes, off my body, how dare she? And when i went into the kitchen she was making out with Gustav and she winked at me, im telling you SHE IS A FREAK!" I started talking to Tom about other problems of mine and time flew. My phone started calling.
    "Yes?" I answerd
     "Kailani its not safe to be alone out there, Michael might be lookibg for you esspecialy that you got Toms car, i want you to come here, now!" Bill said on a very serious tone. I kissed Tom on the cheek as a goodbye gesture and drove back to the mansion.
     "How was the vist?" Fallon asked.
     "None of your bussines" i responded
     "Woah no need to be all angry she just asked." Bill defended her.
     "Yes i need to be!" I yelled and then went into Toms bedroom. Two more days passed and it was the ussual. Seeing Fallon and Gustav making out all the time and visiting Tom everyday.
      "Guys come here!" Bill shouted
     "What is it?" George asked
      "Well i have big news! Tom is comming home tomorow morining!"
      "Yay thats so great!" Fallon added
      "Why are you happy? Huh? You dont even know him?" I said on a bitchy tone.
    "Uhm i dont know what to say." She responded
      "Of course you dont!" I shouted and then made my way into the bedroom smashing the door so fricking hard!
    All the night i was only thinking about Tom comming home. And ofcourse he will start beating the shit out of me again. That terrorized me and i couldnt bear the thought so i cried myself asleep like any other night.

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