Twenty-seven - Abstruse

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I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many tsunamis.
Year 6



He lands on a completely secluded platform, and the moment I step onto it, a wave of vertigo hits me. We are so high, and no longer in the protection of the shuttle. Two stormtroopers stand to one side next to a speeder on the other end of the landing pad.

I swallow hard. "One of those doesn't happen to be Victor?" I ask quietly, even though I know he's likely on Vader's flagship.

Anakin snorts and pulls his hood up, and I see his shoulders moving in laughter.

"Are you making fun of me for having one person I kind of like?" Outside of my team, I suppose.

"Kitten," he laughs harder. "One person is more accurate than you think. That was me."

My mouth drops open at the same time I come to a halt. "Are you serious?" I seethe. I asked him about sex! I talked about Jedi. I argued with him! I am scandalized!

"What? You requested me."

"You gave me relationship advice about you," I say, my words still coming out quiet and venomous. That's why he gave me flowers the next day, why he took me into his trophy room.

"Yeah. It was highly entertaining to see you jealous." I'm going to die, right here. "But I should note you didn't listen to my advice."

I frown, trying to remember the details. "I suggested you call him," he prompts.

"Hi puppy, can I come over?" I ask in a sweet voice holding a fake comm in front of me.

He laughs, causing my eyes to widen at the sound. It's bigger, somehow. "Get in the speeder, Kitten." He doesn't acknowledge the troops, so when we pull off, I glance at him.

"Should you be showing emotions in front of them?" I ask hesitantly.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, pushing the hood back. "Probably not. But they're a part of my First Legion. The risk is reporting it to my master's master, but he knows of you." He glances over to watch my reaction, but I don't have one. I don't know much about the Emperor other than the propaganda that reaches us on Mustafar. "He knows I usually leave you in chaos, but he wants me in chaos. I can't overthrow him if I'm lost."

Wait. What? He's lost when he leaves me? Overthrow him?

"I cause that?"

"No, Kitten. I cause it." He gestures past me. "See that tiny peak, barely visible?"

"Yes." It isn't close, which I assume is why it seems small from this far. But it still stands over the closest buildings.

"It was once the Jedi temple, and is now the Imperial Palace."

Ah, yes. Likely the most safeguarded place in the galaxy.

"You're not taking me there, are you?" I absolutely don't want to go—but...curiosity is a damning trait.

"No, Kitten. But I must advise you: you do not reveal any fear for Emperor Palpatine, and that is a mistake. Vader pales in comparison." His face is more serious than I've seen all day.

I let out a sigh. "I don't have any bad intentions toward him," I try. With Vader, I fear him, but I also hold out hope that as long as I do my job, I'm safe.

"It doesn't matter. Distract me enough, and he'll want you gone."

"Then why are we here?" Distract him. Do I? Is that what he means by chaos? I actually try quite hard to never bother him.

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