8 | Heroism

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Whispers of Harry's heroism buzzed about the school. So much so that Draco was complaining about it; more than usual, anyway.

"So he does one good thing and suddenly he's the talk of the school?" Draco spat, throwing his wand to the ground. "Well, sorry I didn't go after the murderous thief!"

I picked up his wand, brushing away the dirt from the wood. "Draconis, you do realize that you talk about Harry more than you talk about apples, right?"

His eyes procured a storm, but luckily I was the only one with the umbrella.

The end of the year was nearing and Ravenclaw and Slytherin were neck in neck, at 323 points and 325 points.

Slytherin students were suddenly raising their hands in class and acting more civil, their competitiveness shining through the darkness of their dungeon.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff really just watched the battle fold out, being so far behind that they'd need to do something so extraordinary that they're bumped up nearly 200 points.

"So, you're suspect was correct then?" Draco suddenly changed the subject. "After all, the last time you got your suspect wrong, you were sulking for weeks."

"I did. That's why I'm up nine knuts." I flipped one of them in my right hand. "You know, next year you'll have a chance at trying out for the Quidditch team. Why not make your life more than snarky remarks and being a prick?"

He scoffed, crunching into his apple. "You won the bet this year, by the way."

"Hm? Which one?"

"The Christmas one."

Draco had given me a canopy that perfectly resembled the night sky, as you know. I gave Draco the entire Sherlock Holmes series, which was disguised as textbooks. It could only be revealed by saying the phrase we live by.

Aut inveniam viam aut faciam.

I shall either find a way or make one.

Both our families are stubborn like that, and I'd like to believe that it seeped into our blood. Or, at least mine.

Most of the time, when we purposefully hide things from each other, that is the phrase. Thankfully he got it, otherwise he would've believed that I actually gave him textbooks. Well, maybe he wouldn't believe it but certainly find it odd - I always hit the mark with Christmas gifts.

And what kind of person gives textbooks as a Christmas gift?

Draco held out a small pouch, likely filled with 5 galleons, as we always pay the other when we guess the gift correctly.

I gently pushed it back to him. "No, you guessed mine spot on. I got a tear in my eye when I saw it."


"Well, no, but I did in my head."

A few Slytherin students came walking by, one yelling out to me, "Trying to sleep your way through the ranks, Griffin?"

"I see that you already did that, Starwick."

Her eyes widened in offence and she walked away with her prefect boyfriend clutched in her hand.

Draco and I laughed, connecting our hands in a high five.

I rolled the gem on my necklace between my fingers, watching students walk through the corridor, the turned to look out the window at which we sat on its sill.

The school year was ending, yet it barely felt real.


I rushed into the Great Hall and sat down beside Padma at our table. "Second place!" I exclaimed with frustration.

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