64 | The D.A.

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"Are you sure that this place is secret enough?" Hermione asked as I led the trio through the corridor.

"Yes. Seeing as none of you have ever found me. The only people who know of this place is my dad and I." And Helena, but I doubted that she'd reveal it.

I continued to walk until I watched one of the walls change, except the door was different. It wasn't old looking, tall and of old wood, but rather polished.

They gazed upon the large door, amazed as if we hadn't been silencing birds and summoning objects with sticks. Harry's mouth opened, then closed, as if he had forgotten how to form words. "How did you find this...?"

"The Room of Requirement," I began like a textbook. "It only appears when a person has a dire need of it... A deep desire."

"How did you find it?" Ron asked.

I shrugged and seized the brass handle, pulling open the door to reveal the empty room behind it, lit by torches that looked remarkably like the ones in the dungeons where the Slytherins resided. Wooden bookcases lined the walls, cushions rather than chairs arranged on the floor, instruments like Sneakiscopes and Secrecy Sensors held on large shelves at the end of the room.

"Well?" I turned to the three. "How is it?"

"Oh, Y/N, it's perfect!" Hermione exclaimed. She ran in, running her fingers along the spines of the books that sat on the shelves. "We must invite the others!"

"I'll get the Ravenclaws then... We're meeting 8:00 tonight?"

"Yes, that's right."

I nodded and left the peculiar training room, making my way to Ravenclaw Tower.

I walked into the common room, seeing many of my fellow housemates seated within and sighed. I can't believe I'm about to say this. "Hey Ravens."

To my surprise, not only did Mandy lift her head, but so did the rest of our roommates, as well as Michael, Terry and Anthony. "Erm... That corridor with Barnabas the Barmy... 8:00 tonight."

They each looked at each other from their spots in the room, then nodded.

I guess we're the Ravens then.


As 8:00pm came around, we met at the corner where the mural of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach goblins ballet was. "We're training here?" Terry questioned.

"Not here." I pointed at the large polished door. "There."

They stared at it, knowing full well that there had never been a large door in this hallway. Perhaps a bathroom or a broom closet, but not such an obvious door that it nearly went to the ceiling.

I walked up to it and pulled on the brass handles like I had a few hours before, spotting Hermione seated in the corner reading one of the books that has been on the book shelf lining the wall, while other members of this secret army we had created were seated on the cushions, Dean being one of them.

Lisa, ignoring the magnificent room that had caught the attention of most of the people walking in, quickly took her place on the cushion beside Dean and he smiled bashfully as if he were just a giddy boy with a crush.

"Couples... Dreadful," Sue muttered as Padma nodded in agreement, although they both held a playful grin on their faces.

My eyes lingered on Neville, whose back was turned to the entrance as he gazed at the bookshelves. I shook my head as if I were breaking out of a trance and sat down, my face flushed.

A Memorable TaleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora