35 | Tricking Muggles is Easy

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"Y/N, get up!"

"You want me to sleep and then when I sleep you yell at me to wake up, what do you want from me?!" I begrudgingly got out of bed and went down the stairs to see Cedric standing there, fully dressed, with Amos beside him.

It was the day of Quidditch World Cup and everyone was buzzing to get there.

"Hold on," I said groggily, making my way to the owls' play area. I opened a drawer that used to keep Dipper's toys, but now he's decided that he's too old and didn't play with them anymore, so I used the drawer for things to send to Sirius.

I attached a small pouch of Honeydukes sweets to Dipper's talon and he flew off. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked as I pulled a plate from the cupboard.

"We're meeting the Weasley's quite early today!" Amos announced. "We'll all go together to the Portkey. Oh, and I told Arthur that you were a big fan of Charles, Y/N, so he won't be Apparating."

I dropped my plate and it shattered at my feet. "You what."

My poked his head out his bedroom door, signs that he wasn't wearing pants evident in the awkward stance he took to hide his lower half. "What happened?"

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" I ran up the stairs - not failing to stop and scold my dad for leaving his room without pants while guests were over - and disappeared into my room.

He said I was a fan? Nobody wants to hear that a little girl is a fan of them, let alone a big fan! He didn't even have to mention it, why did he mention it?

"When's mum coming?" I wondered as I left my room clasping Neville's necklace around my neck.

"She should be here any second," my dad said with his eyes on his watch.

I walked down the stairs and heard Amos and Cedric's mother talking in the foyer. "Oh, look at Cedric, he's gotten so big now!" a familiar voice cooed.

My eyes lit up and I ran towards the entrance, spotting my mother standing on the dark blue carpet. "Mum!"

She turned and smiled. "Y/N!" She opened her arms and wrapped me up in one of her famous, rib-cracking hugs. "Your father has been telling me all about your little adventures at Hogwarts. I'm so proud of you."

Cedric stared, dumbfounded at the lack of worry both my parents have for the things I get into at school.

"So." She suddenly went serious and she knelt down in front of me. "Any boyfriend?"


My father came down, still working a comb through his hair, and my mom grinned from ear to ear. "Caelum!"

"Hello Evelyn."

She showered him with kisses and he smiled a bit, which is already a miracle compared to how he interacts with other people as if he's never spoken to a human being in his life. How he and Amos got to be friends continues to be beyond me.

"Alright, let's go," Amos said excitedly. "Oh, Y/N, I also told Arthur that you own a hippogriff, you should bring one."

"She's already outside," Cedric told him.



"What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves?"

Cedric was silent for a while and he answered, "A wife...?"

"What kind of husband hates their wife more than death and mortal strife?"

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