68 | Centaurs

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Students gathered around the entrance hall, around a screaming, agonized woman — Professor Trelawney.

I found Sue, who looked grieved, her hand over her mouth. Parvati and Lavender were sobbing with tears streaming down their faces.

"What's happening?" I questioned.

"Trelawney's getting sacked," Terry whispered.

Professor Trelawney stood in the centre of the crowd, her things around her and her eyes, enlarged by her glasses, welled with tears. "This cannot be happening... I refuse to accept it!"

I placed my hands over my mouth, never having felt more awful for a person until now. While Divination wasn't quite my kind of class, taking someone away from Hogwarts was like taking someone away from... well, home.

In spite of the fact that we could be killed by at least twenty things in this castle, it's ours.

"You c-can't!" Professor Trelawney sobbed. "I've been here sixteen years! Hogwarts is my h-home!"

"It was your home," Umbridge said with an irritatingly sweet voice. She was enjoying this, the sadistic toad. "Until an hour ago, when the Ministry of Magic countersigned for your dismissal. Now kindly remove yourself from this hall! You're embarrassing us."

Someone pushed passed me and Professor McGonagall walked to the centre of the crowd, pulling out a handkerchief from her robes and handing it to Professor Trelawney before pulling her into a hug. "There, there, Sibyll... Calm down. It's not as bad as you think, now... You are not going to have to leave Hogwarts."

"Oh really, Professor McGonagall?" Umbridge took a step forward. "And your authority for that statement is...?"

"That would be mine." The most authoritative voice I could think of echoed through the entrance hall and Dumbledore walked through the tall oak doors of the school.

"Yours, Professor Dumbledore?" Umbridge let out a laugh that sounded remarkably like "you should definitely punch me".  "I'm afraid you do not understand the position. I have here an Order of Dismissal signed by myself and the Minister of Magic. Under the terms of Educational Decree Number Twenty-three, the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has the power to inspect, place upon probation, and sack any teacher she — that is to say, I — feel is not performing up to the standard required by the Ministry of Magic. I have decided that Professor Trelawney is not up to scratch. I have dismissed her."

"Why that little..."

"Michael," Padma said, scolding. "Look at Dumbledore."

When I followed her instruction, I saw that he was smiling. "You are quite right, of course, Professor Umbridge. As High Inquisitor you have every right to dismiss myteachers. You do not, however, have the authority to send them away from the castle. That the power to do that still resides with the headmaster, and it is my wish that Professor Trelawney continue to live at Hogwarts."

Professor Trelawney shook her head slightly. "No- no, I'll g-go, Dumbledore! I shall l-leave Hogwarts and s-seek my fortune elsewhere!"

"No, it is my wish that you remain, Sibyll."

Frankly, it seemed like more of a punishment to force her to stay, with Umbridge gazing at everyone like they were below her. I bet a million Galleons that I'm much smarter than her.

Professor McGonagall, as well as Professor Flitwick, helped Professor Trelawney back to her room upstairs, while Umbridge stood in the middle of everyone, anger threatening to break the sweet expression she tried to maintain.

"And what are you going to do with her once I appoint a new Divination teacher who needs her lodgings?" Umbridge asked.

"Oh, that won't be a problem. You see, I have already found us a new Divination teacher, and he will prefer lodgings on the ground floor."

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