9 | Hey Brother

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During the summer, it is never rare to see me at Malfoy Manor. Dobby knew that, yet he was still being a little git.

"Dobby, get back here!" I chased the elf around the manor. "Give me back the letter!"

Often times I'd let Dobby sit next to me while I wrote letters or read; sometimes Draco comes in and starts rambling, normally about Harry.

At the moment, I was regretting that.

"Dobby, give the letter back!"

"I cannot let you make Harry Potter believe that he should return to Hogwarts!"

I stopped chasing him. "What?"

"...I shouldn't have said that." He grabbed hold of the nearest piece of furniture and began bashing his head on it.

I groaned and grabbed his head, stopping its movement. "Listen, I haven't sent a single letter to Harry all summer—" mainly because I was solving another mystery of the vanishing house elves, "—so the least I could do is send him one for his birthday."

For the record, the house elves went missing because the child kept giving the elves his socks and they ran off.

Since the mystery of the Gringotts break-in, none quite really hit right with me in a way where I genuinely enjoyed it and lost sleep.

It's like reading such a good book that every other one is just disappointing.

Dobby hesitated, then continued running.

"Draconis, your elf!"

"I'm busy!"

"With what, love letters?" I stomped to his room to find his nose buried in a textbook, which was actually the fourth Sherlock Holmes novel disguised as a textbook.

At that point, I couldn't even yell at him.

"Never mind."

I heard him snort behind the book in amusement before turning the page.

Fortunately, I was being picked up the next day to go to the Diggory's house for one, a meeting with Amos Diggory, and two, my first meeting with Cedric.

I came up with loads to talk about, but still felt like it wasn't enough. What if he didn't even want to talk and he wanted to ride our brooms outside? I don't own a broom.

"Draconis," I started as I sat at the foot of his bed. "Am I, generally, easy to talk to?"

"No, you're in sufferable."

"I'm being serious!"

He sighed, lowering his book. He couldn't even yell at me either because he interrupts me while I'm reading, too. "Yes. You're easy to talk to. Mainly because you skip the small talk and get straight into it. Why? Scared?"

"Like hell." I threw one of his pillows at him and tussled his platinum blond hair.

Maybe I was a little scared. Actually, maybe scared wasn't the right term. More utterly horrified. But I wasn't going to tell Draco that.

Cedric was the type that people stared at when he walked the halls, had friends around him at all times.

I had a feeling that this year, I would be stared at because I was a Ravenclaw that managed to get the same amount of points as two Gryffindors that literally helped save the school.

"Do you think he likes owls?"

"I don't know."

"What about unicorns? Dragons? Hippogriffs? Pegasi?"

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